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Things your wife partner won t cook
As was mentioned in the Spam thread my parents and my wife's parents grew up in the great depression of the early 30's, so nothing much was off limits as to what we ate. When we butcherd a beef a hog, the heart, liver, toungue, (beef), upper portion of the tail, (beef), but Mother did draw the line with kidneys and brains. My wife's parents grew up in a small town but her Father was a great hunter, fisheman, trapper, so they lived many a winter on rabbit, home canned fish,(now that was bad!!), etc. To this day my wife still can't eat another rabbit, canned fish, nor will she cook me liver and onions, oysters, nor make pickled heart and toungue, (kinda OK after a Bud Lite or two).
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Things your wife partner won t cook
I cannot eat canned fish either, but for much different reasons. I was raised Catholic and the menu was very restricted on fridays.
As a protein starved teenager with a huge appetite I learned to hate all things labeled as "friday food".
Top of the list: peanut butter, followed by canned tuna, canned salmon and tomato soup.
More to Franks point, I don't have to worry about things my wife won't cook because I do most of the cooking. But I do have to deal with things she won't eat.
She was raised on the edge of poverty in Nevada and gets almost sick at the smell of lamb cooking. I guess she was fed too much old mutton as a little kid.
I still cook lamb for myself on 'girls night out', but I have to clean the kitchen before she gets home.
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Things your wife partner won t cook
Thank goodness we Catholics have been liberated from the Friday fish thing. We seldom had fish as a kid, the fish that you didn't have to hold your nose to eat was just to pricey for us, so it was boiled beans or eggs on Friday. The lamb you mention reminds me of my Father, he wouldn't allow it in the house, I guess they ate too many old ewes as a kid and just couldn't stand it anymore. I do like good fish, which the wife won't cook or eat either, so it's off to a good resturant where they have good fish for me and anything but fish for the Mrs.
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Things your wife partner won t cook
Not much either of us won't cook, although there are a few things we prefer not to eat. As far as fish is concerned, still eat canned sardines, tuna, shrimp, clams, salmon, oysters and others. Other than the sardines and tuna, canned fish and seafood are used in recipes such as oyster stuffing, salads and such.
With us, generally it is not what it is but rather how it is cooked and presented.
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Things your wife partner won t cook
I was raised on game for the must part. Today I will not eat anything that comes from the "insides".
Do not care much for venison, rabbit or squirrel anymore either. But do eat venison speedies and jerky and other stews, now and then.
But do remember skinning out a bunch of woodchucks and dragging them to my brothers house. (I was home on leave) I figured some woodchuck speedies would be a great grilling experience. She threw me and the woodchucks out.
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Things your wife partner won t cook
It is odd what we may like to eat until we find out what it is. Still remember the day I was eating pottied meat and turn the can around to read while eating. Last of that. Use to eat and to different degree some meats that today the thought of does not sit well with me. Part of the reason we probably are this way is how blessed we have been in our food supply for many years.
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Things your wife partner won t cook
My situation has changed the last few years. My new partner has a list of food allergies, some only cause discomfort or gastro-intestinal issues, but others are life-threatening.
Despite all of that we seem to have remarkably similar tastes in food, that said however, and mostly as a courtesy I have mostly given some of my favourites so as not too tempt her to eat something she shouldn't.
It was mostly stuff I can do without or I should say I'm better off without at least.
She does not however like a lot of the stuff I grew up on at the farm, things like game of any kind and some of the 'old foods' we had as treats like blood pudding & crubeens.
My terriers also treat me to a rabbit every couple of months, again, she is not too interested in sharing my 'treat' with me. So, the dogs and I split the booty, besides, it keeps them chasing the rabbits. 
Like Mark I just make it when she's out doing something and clean up well before she's back home.
Best of luck.
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Things your wife partner won t cook
My wife won't make me PIES!
Just as well, it keeps the weight off 
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Things your wife partner won t cook
Since I stopped eating sugar and starches as much as possible, even my rhubarb patch goes unused
I feel you pain relative to the pies!
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