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Light Truck Shocks
In July of 2008 I had KYB Gas-A-just shocks put on my 07 Toyota Tacoma 4x4. By July 2009 they were blown and replaced under warranty. In July 2010 the replacements were blown. Pretty much pieces of crap IMO. Yes, they will keep replacing them but it's a PIA I don't care to deal with.
Anyway, has anyone had good luck with any particular brand of light truck shocks? The truck is rarely loaded and it's the front shocks that blow out. Not looking for a shock that is rock hard for off road use but something that is roughly equivalent to OE.
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Light Truck Shocks
KW, do you tend to drive over washboard roads or ones with a lot dips and bumps? Or carry passengers (or ahem driver) that exceeds the maufacturer's rated capacity? Jis askin'
I use Monroe shocks. They're OEM a lot of times (prolly becuae their HQ is just down the street to the Big 4. They also make Rancho shocks which I used for offroad.
Regardless of whose you go with, ask a competent counterman or call the respective customer service line to ask what is comparable to OEM.
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Light Truck Shocks
EW, usually the truck is empty and I weigh about 220. We do live five miles up a gravel logging road which turns to washboard for a mile or so maybe two months a year before the county grades and gravels. The Gas-A-Just is one step up from KYBs basic "OE Equivalent" shock. I was "shocked" to see that they didn't have dust boots (the fronts are struts). So they are putting dust boots on when they replace them again today. That has to help protect the seals but KYB says they shouldn't have a problem in this scenario.
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Light Truck Shocks
Sounds like you need one of those new Ford F-150 SVT Raptors. If it can handle the Baja, it should work out for you.
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Light Truck Shocks
Yooper, I could use a Raptor but am not yet $50k desperate!
The shop said the upper rubber bushing got pummeled and allowed the strut rod to have excess lateral movement which caused the seal to fail. They replaced it with a polyurethane bushing this time around. We'll see. It was bad enough that it wore the hole in the top strut plate into a slot so they're ordering another from the dealer at N/C.
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