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New Toyota No Oil Filter Cartridge
In an apparent attempt at being more Green Toyota has gone to an element only oil filter, abandoning the now dominant replacement cartridge.
I have yet to make the first oil change on my new Toyota and I am not looking forward to it. Is Toyota the only one doing this or is this the wave of the future.
I did not know it had this when I bought the vehicle, might not have after I screw with 
Seems Toyota is giving you the first two oil changes free at 10k mile intervals as part of the sale to soften the blow to convenience.
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New Toyota No Oil Filter Cartridge
Now you definitely need latex gloves to do the job!
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New Toyota No Oil Filter Cartridge
If I had known how hard it was to get to tail light on Highlander not sure my wife would have one either.
We have been pleased with the life of our Toyotas but as a person who use to do their own service not pleased with the access on them. May be better than others but not as good as the last US vehicles we owned. Also been disappointed with 2 of our 3 to find out the size tires they had were NEW sizes and limited as to sources for them also. Makes me wonder how Toyota and their tire supplier are connected.
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New Toyota No Oil Filter Cartridge
Mercedes has been doing the replaceable filter element for a while as has some Chrevrolets. As long as the filter is accessible from the upper engine and the removable cover is on the top it is really not bad at all. Only headache could be bad o rings or dirt grit on the seal.
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New Toyota No Oil Filter Cartridge
I've changed oil on these things many times.I hate the mess it makes,no matter how careful you are.
One caution is get the specific oil filter wrench that fits housing.[amazon] Housing is plastic,breaks easily. I used my large channel locks first time,I was not comfortible doing it though. I heard housing costs $75.00 or more.So be careful.
I also heard local Toyota dealer likes jiffy lube,they break them a lot.
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