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RTV 900 Dream Engine
With the computer age to assist with design I would question the design of any engine for that modification. It would be a shame to find out after that you need additional cooling for the pistons which is often done by oil under pressure from the bottom. Or to find out that the head or the gasket is not build secure enough to hold the boost from the turbo. I don't mind a one time o-ring job but to have to do a new head gasket yearly or every two hundred hours I'd not consider acceptable.
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RTV 900 Dream Engine
Hi everyone, Sorry, I had posted this on the 'owning,buying' board before I noticed this one... nice to find a 'dedicated' Kubota board. Love my L35 (glide shift) after the upgrade from the B21. Whole different class of unit! So much so I sold the ATV and bought an RTV 900. Couple of issues with the RTV... 1st, has anyone heard of a way to upgrade the front axle to a locking diff? I don't know how many times I have had to get out the winch line ( when there was something to winch too...) cause one front wheel was dangling in midair, and of course, spinning. 2nd, has anyone tried to increase the traction on ice by using something like short hex head wood screws in the lugs of the tires. Sort of a 'do it yurself' stud job.I have the 'worksite model with the heavy lugs. Or is there a neater solution out there? Had lots of fun inventing stuff to cut down on the cold air inputs to the cab if anyone wants some ideas. Had a great hunting trip in New Brunswick with it! How about an upgrade on power...could use a little in the snow. Blower kits? As in turbocharging...ops sorry again, just saw the post about 'dream engine'.
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RTV 900 Dream Engine
Hey DR: How about a turbo-normalizer?
This is a turbo set up to give only enough boost to make sea-level pressure in the manifold. This should not put any more stress on the motor than running at sea-level altitude. Definitely need to add a boost gage and a pyrometer (EGT).
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RTV 900 Dream Engine
That would at least get me back to the rated horsepower.
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