ManePoint New Horse Site
I have just completed the first beta version of our new horse based site ManePoint.com.
All users of TP as of a couple of weeks ago should already have profiles set up on ManePoint. Also for now your TP photo albums are also linked, might change that later. You should login to the new site to get your user cookies set.
I will be adding more features as we go forward so that all the things that are on TP will be on MP.
Please let me know if you would like to add to or rearrange the categories. I am also looking for people who would like to be discussion leaders for the forums.
Also watch for our new hunting website in the near future "BarrelPoint.com".
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ManePoint New Horse Site
Does this mean you have to get some horses?
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ManePoint New Horse Site
Yes, all TP members now need to get a horse. I guess Kubota B series must get one horse L series 2 and so on for the Deere and NH lines. Bigger the tractor, sub compact owners need to get a pony or donkey.
Sounds reasonable right 
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ManePoint New Horse Site
what about my 200 lbs mastiff that thinks he's a horse?
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ManePoint New Horse Site
Ok OK I'll give you credit for a quarter horse.
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ManePoint New Horse Site
So now I know why I have two tractors and 3 of the beasts. Do I start with 3 horses on the other board?
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ManePoint New Horse Site
Ahhh! Thanks Eric I need to change the Tractors to horses for our veteran members.
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ManePoint New Horse Site
Admittedly I'm confused, perhaps that's the norm??? Any help in the redirection appreciated!
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ManePoint New Horse Site
ManePoint is a new site targeted at Horse owners, Tractorpoint will continue as always.
If you would like to use our Horse oriented site go to ManePoint.com.
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ManePoint New Horse Site
Dennis, you're one industrious guy! Good job. We don't have a horse but the neighbors do. I'll tell them about the new site.
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