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More Kubota RTV Problems
I almost never moderate or delete threads. Under certain conditions I have to take some action, some of these conditions are :
1) the thread becomes overly angry and contains mostly useless exchanges that would chase people from the site rather than invite them in. (Generally these get moved to the "Anrgy and Hostile" board. For example the bulk of the RTV thread was not about the RTV.
2)When participants start emailing me to help them out in their posting problems.
3)Profanity in a subject header, other threads with a preponderance of tasteless vulgar references.
4) Any thread that causes me to have to get involved as an abritrator among members.
In the case of the RTV thread, it had turned into a 007 spy thriller with different parties claiming and denying things....... If you want to duke it out with a member use the Private Message feature.
I stepped in to attempt to salvage the threads main content, a PITA to do.
Somehow along the way the thread got deleted, completely inadvertently.
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More Kubota RTV Problems
It is not really a good idea to put your phone number on a web page, hopefully not a cell number where you will get charged heavily for over use, and pestered all day.
I would use the Private Message feature for this.
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More Kubota RTV Problems
The title of this thread has been changed by me.
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More Kubota RTV Problems
The problem with Dean is Dean. He has harassed Chief and the entire team (members and mgt alike) on another forum
until he was stopped(after repeated warnings, etc..) and realized he was about to be booted from the site. So he feels he can start a new campaign here on someone else’s site.
Now if Dean feels none of this is true, we can always refer
to the site and as many examples that paint an accurate picture, since after all it’s about credibility. And how some folks react when they lose all credibility. He even attempted having a few members come to his defense, but when faced with facts they embarrassingly backtracked their
stance and positions. The ones with half a brain did, at least. The others really dont have a clue about anything.
None of it belongs here on this site, but since Dean has brought it here and that’s the reason for his hostility
towards Chief...
Dont worry Dean the Internet is actually a small place, and there are so few forums to start over again. You are bound to be exposed sooner or later, nowhere to hide..
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More Kubota RTV Problems
The above post is not pertinent nor relevent to the thread, it is also a personal problem for you, which has no place in this discussion!!
Actually the Internet is a very Large place however there are a few very small people in it!!!
You have just done what Dennis ask all members not to do!!
See his posts!
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More Kubota RTV Problems
"The above post is not pertinent nor relevent to the thread, it is also a personal problem for you, which has no place in this discussion!!"
Dennis deletes a thread by accident, you jump in with your personal agendas and blame Chief just to smear him and then you tell Ducati that he is off topic when he is responding to irresponsible and stupid allegations that you brought up in the first place?
Am I getting this straight?
I think you had better abide by your own rules. Better yet, take your hateful speech and nasty attitude somewhere else.
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More Kubota RTV Problems
You made it personal, I'm just speaking facts and proven clarity with this picture. Thats all I need to do here, you already did the rest...
Have a nice life...
P.S DRankin, it is exactly as you say!
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More Kubota RTV Problems
The foolishness just won't stop.
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More Kubota RTV Problems
Seems when I post a problem, it either gets the name of the title changed or you guys argue about each. I still havent got any answers. I will stop posting, because when I do all I get is you girls fightin each other.
Noone has answered or given me any advice on the matter.
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More Kubota RTV Problems
Take the darn thing back & pitch a righteous b!tch. If they "repaired" it & the fix only lasted 2.5 hrs, then they didn't REALLY fix the problem. Make it the /dealer's/ problem! Find out who the regional rep is & call them. Find out who /his/ superior is & call them. No way you should spend a pile of dough on a machine that doesn't operate properly!
Good Luck,
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