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Honda or Suzuki ATV
I have been looking at the Honda Rancher 400 AT and the Suzuki Eiger AT. I test rode both of them today at the same dealer. I like the way both handled althoough I felt a little more comfortabe on the Honda. I probably would have decided on the Honda except the Suzuki did turn a little easier in hard turns. Bottom line I left the dealership undecided. Anyone out there with either of these ATVs and if so any comments on your experiences with them?
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Honda or Suzuki ATV
As far as both brands right at this moment, I could not tell you if Suzuki is as good or better, Honda is excellent, and has historically been better than Suzuki--not to mention resale. I can not imagine my hondas being better, from generator to tiller to ATV to cycle to log splitter etc.
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Honda or Suzuki ATV
I agree with denwood. All the honda stuff I have owned has been great. I have two family members that have ranchers and they are very happy with them.
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Honda or Suzuki ATV
My father has a Honda Big Red 250 that he still rides and two Rancher 400 ES's that have been trouble free and perform well. I am looking at ATV's now myself and will have Honda at the top of my list. Very reliable, well built, and LONG lasting machines!
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Honda or Suzuki ATV
I looked at both of these myself, as well as Polaris. The Polaris has the best ride of any ATV, and I would have bought one except the DEALER told me how often they are in the shop. Like was mentioned, if resale is important, nothing will beat the Honda. The Suzuki gives you more features for the $$, including independant rear suspension, similar to the Polaris. I ended up buying the Honda Foreman ES 500. I am TOTALLY satisfied with everything but the harder ride. However, I feel confident that if in a couple years, the ride quality becomes more important to me, I can get most of my $$ back on the Honda. Suzuki also has a vested interest in Artic Cat, which seem to have tons of features as well...but I just believe in the Honda powertrain a little bit more, even if their "technology" of their suspension and transmissions may be "old fashioned".
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Honda or Suzuki ATV
We have a few Hondas, they have held up well to probably more punishment a year than an average person could inflict in a lifetime.
Two years ago we bought a couple of Bombardiers also. So far they have also been good machines. They are certainly more 'user friendly' and as with any Bombi product, are obviously well-engineered and thought out.
John Deere now sells the Bombardier line-up of ATV's with their paint and name on them. Some are all Bombi, some have been made a little more 'Greene' by swapping engines for Kawi mills and such. But all in all I'm sure they would be good units also, they are certainly affordable enough.
Best of luck.
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Honda or Suzuki ATV
Thanks for all the feedback. I rode a Bombardier Outlander 400 at local JD dealer earlier this week. I liked the ride and the way it handled as well as or maybe even a little better than the Honda but it is hard to pass on the reliability of the Hondas. Murf, have your Bombardiers been problem free? The Suzuki is a little lower priced than the Honda or Bomb. but I have read a couple of negative reports on their reliability. One feature of the Honda I liked is the option to run fully automatic or to switch to the push button manual. Anyway it will either be the Honda or the Bombardier. Plan to ride both again before I buy.
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Honda or Suzuki ATV
So far we have had to do nothing to the Bombi's except routine maintenance, oil, tires, etc., not even a warranty repair.
To be fair though, the oldest Bomb i is still half the age of the oldest Honda which is still untouched also.
Bear in mind too, our units lead a hard, commercial life, if they stand up to what we do to them, they will last an 'average' user a lifetime.
Best of luck.
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Honda or Suzuki ATV
Decided to go with the Honda because it was a little lower priced and because of the resale value If I was younger and really into hard riding I probably would have purchased the Bombi. I did talk to a dealer here in ID (not locally)that sells Honda, Bombi, Suzuki, Yamiha and Polaris. He did not recommend any one brand but said they sold more Hondas than the all the others put together.
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