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RTV Problems and Solutions
There are actually two intractable problems: Horsepower and Reverse gearing. First the gearing:
The listed top speeds in the forward ranges are: Low-10 mph, Medium-18 mph and High-25 mph. Now look at the speed range for Reverse.......15 mph. Who on earth needs to go that fast in reverse?
And why make reverse the same range and pulling power as the middle forward gear? What is wrong with going 10 mph max in reverse? Or even 5 mph? Why gear it so much higher than Low?
I did a lot of testing and spent too much money and time try to get around this engineering shortfall.
Bottom line is with this tall gearing and the power loss I experience a mile above sea level(it really needs a 30 horse engine), the RTV gets stuck too often. When I get into soft sand with standard size tires and the wheels sink ONLY 3 INCHES below the surface, the Reverse gears REFUSE to turn the tires.
Low/forward will dig them in deeper any time you want, but once you sink past the 3 inch mark in sand (OR SNOW!) reverse is gone. The wheels will not turn in any mode, 2wd... diff lock or 4wd.
I have gotten stuck going UPHILL in three inches of sand and it refused to back itself out going down hill.
I found a fix though..... smaller wheels. The factory turfs are only 21 inches tall and they reduce the overall gearing in Reverse just enough to make the wheels spin in almost any circumstance.
BUT.... there is no free lunch here. The turfs are virtually useless in snow and the top speed is reduced to about 21 mph. The ground clearance is so low that you can't run over a softball size rock without bouncing it off the skid plates so it is almost useless off road or even on bad roads.
Other tests: on a concrete slab, jam a 4x4 piece of lumber under the rears and that darn thing will smoke the tires in 2wd trying to climb it in reverse. Put it in Reverse 4wd and it will claw its way over the obstruction in 2 seconds. Take it 50 feet away and let it sink three inches into the sand and the tires will not turn.
The dealer has checked every function and pressure path in the transmission and found it is up to specs. Kubota told my dealer that they purposely limited the amount of wheel spin in reverse and I believe that is true.
If you really jam the wheels in any other gear it will kill the engine. In reverse the engine will run about 2500 RPM with the wheels locked up but it won't kill the engine. I think there is some sort of high pressure bypass built into the system that allows this to happen.
Anyway, it is all cleaned up and back at the dealer on consignment.
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RTV Problems and Solutions
Mark, I know this "a day late & a dollar short" but;
The reverse problem can likely be alieviated by a) boosting the relief valve setting for reverse, and b) just barely creeping, even in a taller gear.
As for the horsepower, most 'Bota engines are built for, and used in, a range of horsepower. If the RTV motor is the bottom of the range it CAN be turned back up. Also, there are easy fixes for altitude problems. The simplest is Oxygen, it is readily available and a simple diving regulator and a small hose to the intake will move your location to as close to sea level as you desire.
Best of luck.
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RTV Problems and Solutions
Some of us like higher speeds in reverse. When I was a young ladd about 38 years ago and got my draft notice and didn't care about much anymore I cruised the countryside with my best friend. I had just consumed the first half of a case of longnecks working on the second half and had met another friend on the road. A car came by so he drove a quartermile down the road into a driveway. I wanted to talk some more so I decided to back down the road toward him. I use mirrors when backing and look forward. Makes sense doesn't it? Got my tachometer up to 5,000 RPM in reverse on my Chevy SS 327. I overshot the driveway about the same time my friend backed out of the drive. Pushed the trunk of my '65 chevy back about 5 feet. Took out the right side of his car and threw him in an 8 foot deep ditch. Worst of all it spilled the beer between my legs!
Have seen many comments that the RTV is underpowered. Is a turbo kit available? Sounds like you need that and duallies for floatation. Have you considered a Gator with 4 x 6? If you are real creative, you could attach another set of tires at the rear hooked rigid to the hitch and give yourself a cattrack style belt drive. Bet Murf could fix you up!!
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RTV Problems and Solutions
Actually, I was think a track kit in place of the wheels.
Bring it on over to the shop and we'll have lookey see.
I checked on Mapquest, it's only about 2,500 miles ... 
On the other hand, although spendy, the tracks in the link below would undoubtedly get you there and back.
Best of luck.
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RTV Problems and Solutions
Murf, when you say oxygen do you mean compressed air, like you would use in diving? I do not dive so I was wondering what divers have in their tanks? Is it pure oxygen or just compressed air?
I just remember from my High School Chemistry pure oxygen is extremely explosive.
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RTV Problems and Solutions
Dennis, I was talking about oxygen, and yes it is dangerous if not handled properly, but anything at 2500 psi is a potential hazard.
I see a lot of kids tearing up the roads with souped up imports sporting bottles of nitrous oxide. If I had one in anything short of a Sherman tank I'd be driving like I had a bomb on board.
Although, simple compressed air, provided it was compressed at a lower altitiude, would be a big help too.
Best of luck.
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RTV Problems and Solutions
Sounds like a setup with Mat Tracks and a little booster compressor under the hood would fix you right up.
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RTV Problems and Solutions
you dont have to settle for a loss. i had the same problems and more. you deserve a full refund. all you have to do is contact your local lemon law and they will send you out a form. its cost $35 and you willhave to write kubota a certified letter and then they will geive you a full refund. they did that for me and i had 97 hrs on my machine. get all the work orders they did and make copies. if yu email me at testarossa2c(at)yahoo.com i will give you a copy of the letter to write and you can call and ill tell you my horror stories with kubota
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RTV Problems and Solutions
mattrax are too expensive and oxygen? kubota should have made it with more hp and better than all the comp out there. i just bought a 3010 diesel mule and had it only a week and it is more powerful and runs a lot quieter than the rtv. the only 2 things i miss are the cups holder and the power steering. the mule has more hp and will out perform the rtv anyday. and i gave $9000 for a 2005 model compared to $10,451. come on kubotie, if your going to build a machine for that price make it more powerful and with more added features. ofcourse i told them this and they said that they arent worried ppl will buy it and like it. from what i have been hearing they arent.
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RTV Problems and Solutions
Monkeyman... your machine was broken. Kubota did the right thing with you. Mine isn't broke, it just does not have the off road performance I need.
It will do just about anything I want on hard surfaces, it just gets into trouble in mud, sand and snow. Someone with a lot of flat acreage or a golf course will love it.
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