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400 Sportsman
AV8R, did you ever pop on a sportsman? I have always been a Honda Lover but as time changes (and my body) I have decided to go with a ind. suspension machine. I do NOT want anything larger than a 400. I like money more than anything else and the 400 will do everything I want it to so there is no need to spend more than I have to. I priced the 400 sportsman at only one dealer so far. His price was $5300! (for a new 2005)I think that can be beat for I think its still a bit too steep? What do you all think? What have any of you paid for one and when would you think the best time to buy a year old model (month) would be?
Thanks guys!
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400 Sportsman
I purchased a 400sportsman(polaris, I believe you are
talking about). I got a 2004 model last Nov. for $4800
I always buy 4-wheelers in late fall or early winter.
I didnt really need it, but the price was too good to
pass up. The ride is incredible with independent
suspension on each wheel. Make sure you have them adjust
it to the lightest possible. My dad is 80 and he just
loves it.I went to a dealer about 100 miles away, but
all polaris dealers have to service them and they dont
really mind, because the warranty works pays pretty well.
It definately will do anything you need, unless you want
to go thru wet bog marshes, but I cant see the bigger
and bigger. Hell, buy a tractor if you need that much
power-that's how I see it. I usually start looking the
end of the summer and see what dealers have what left.
I really love my 300-4+4. It rides a little rougher and
has the chain drive, but it does the job for me.
I turn my 4 wheelers over every 4-5 years normally.
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400 Sportsman
'Arrow: No, I never pulled the trigger on one. With the latest aquisition of the acreage, I'm thinking the 185s 3-wheeler a co-worker has for $350 is more in my price bracket. Eventually, though, I will do something like that, +/-400cc - 4wd - IRS.
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400 Sportsman
Thanks for the upbeat info. I think I am making the right choice this time by spending a bit more and getting the ride I will appreciate for years to come.
I dont ride a whole lot. Mainly use my Honda Recon for, well for recon missions. . Me bad but I ride the kid on the back of my little 250 sometimes even my brother in law. Of course we are just going to and from places out back. Mainly for working on the woods and plots. Yes we even ride two up to get out of the woods some times. If the kid calls me on the radio and tells me he is coming in, I will sometimes go out and pick him up. One reason I dont ride more is that we only have 1. Its not a whole lot of fun riding by yourself, although I can walk thru the woods and use my buddy's any time I want, I dont do that often (kinda feel funny even though he is one of my best friends. To be honest with you, I love the ride of his 500 sportsman, but it is a TANK!!! I feel like I am fighting it the whole time I am on it. Steers real tough and turns for crap! Of course I am comparing it to my little recon which I can turn on a dime and whip the back aen around (and control it) at a seconds notice. Since I weigh almost as much as the machine (not really ) I still tell it what IT will do and not the other way around. When going thru the woods I can go around many small saplings that my buddy needs to go OVER. I can goose it and spring around things while he fights his in tight places. Plain and simple! I DONT get stuck with it! It is so light it rides over most watery mud bogs. REALLY! Nail the throttle and it seems to just ride the wake thru! The down side to it is low ground clearance and when there is anything like 7 inches or more of crusted snow I am STUCK where my buddy can ride thru 15" of it!. Thats where a bit more clearance and 4X4 comes into play.
Bottom line is that it gets done what I need it to and it is fun. For 3K you cant beat it! I hear what you are saying about the 3 wheeler, you will do what you need to do with it (easy transportation) and not have a fortune in it.
When I buy a machine I buy it for what I need! Not what others think about me. Many folks make bad decisions and spend more than they really can afford just to keep up with the joneses! Sure I can spend a grand more and get a larger machine, but a grand is a hell of alot of cash for more than I will ever need. A grand less and I can still get a decnt rig but it is NOT what I really want!
I think I will buy one soon. I should wait for late fall and save about 3-4 hundred but then I MISS the best time of the year to use it FALL. For 4 hundred I may just buy the darn thing this coming month. If I can find one for 5K I will pop on it right away.
I will keep you informed.
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