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2004 Polaris Sportsman 4 4
Does anyone out there have any experience with overheating
of the engine. I purchased this machine last fall and it
seems to always overheat. I took it in and they drained
all the fluid from the radiator etc. and refilled it.
They said it had been filled wrong.(seems bizarre to me)
It didnt help. I had another guy tell me the propeller
on his machine was the problem. I am not really up on how
these are made. I have always had 4 wheelers without
radiators for this reason. One less thing to go wrong.
Any help would be appreciated. (I have 6 miles on it)
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2004 Polaris Sportsman 4 4
Have you checked the temperature? You could have a faulty sending unit. Is the unit missing any antifreeze? A blown head gasket would cause overheating and not show as a leak.
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2004 Polaris Sportsman 4 4
Many engines have tight chanels in the block and head. It is difficult to fill the engines correctly and they need to be power filled. I might suspect a chanel has not been drilled properly if it has always stayed hot.
Like Art suggests check the machine with another temperature gauge. A temperature gauge is just a thermal couple. It can go, will go and can be incorrect from day one. Years ago I would weld my own thermocouples for experiments. I can not tell you how many were bad or went bad. You are welding two dissimilar metals so it is the nature of the beast. Like brasing steel.
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2004 Polaris Sportsman 4 4
there was a recall on some of the 700s for bad water pumps check with you dealer or call polaris for recalls kully
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2004 Polaris Sportsman 4 4
Saw this when buying some hub extenders. There must be some issue here if aftermarket guys are developing kits...
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