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Earthway atv spreaders
I broke down and bought an Earthway atv seed and fert. spreader today. Wondering if anyone here has used this brand the m20??? Was a throw up between a threepoint one for $440 or the atv one for $120. I will only be using it for my food plots that are about 3 acres in total.
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Earthway atv spreaders
If you are only going to be using it for animal food plots you will likely be happy with it.
We tried one similar a few years back for planting cover crops, sacrificial crops that will later be disced under, planted merely to stop erosion on the land we are working on.
The ATV did the job very quickly, but the bumpy ride meant a VERY uneven seed distribution, and so a very spotty germination and growth pattern that couldn't be 'touched up' without driving back over everything.
Eventually we just went back ot using a seed drill with a grass box on it.
Best of luck.
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Earthway atv spreaders
Yes I have been extremely happy with it. The operator needs to pay close attention to whats happening behind him/her though. A need to be able to keep a consitant speed in turns and or correct for it, is a plus!
This last weekend I was trying to save a 3/4 acre winter wheat plot. I had good germination but I did not cover the seed as good as I should of so I had even germination but no where near as thick as it should of been. I over seeded with a winter rye. did not have time to cultipack (nor could I since it was a bit to wet for that) but I think if we get a decent rain soon the rain will set a good percent of the seed for germination since it is most a new seed bed. Point being,,, my wheeler I had the spreader hooked up to had a dead battery. I charged the wheeler and still it would NOT take. I had 2 options. Take it off and fabricate it to work on my new wheeler OR use the hand spreader. The hand spreader works fine just a heck of alot of walking. I decided to give my dog a break and see if she would work with me? I let her run along the side of the wheeler (which she just loves) When we got out there zi figured I would need to watch the dog so close (she is 5 months old now) that I would have to take her back home. NOPE, She walked step for step with me for the whole hour it took me to hand seed this plot. Cool eh? I called it father puppy bonding time!
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Earthway atv spreaders
I have a similar type unit for my ATV (Cabelas brand) I have planted with it for 2 years now and I am very pleased with it's performance. Some things I have noticed... These types of seeders tend to displace more seed than you realize. If I am seeding a product that should use 10 lbs per acre, I will plan on using 1.5 times that amount or 15 lbs per acre. Also, I have found that setting the seeder it is best to set outlet as small as possible while still releasing seed. I would rather make 2 passes over a field rather than run out of seed 3/4 done.
I don't know if the earthway unit has an agitator in the hopper or not (mine does not), with out one, light fluffy seeds like grass seeds are very tough to spread as the get clogged very easily.
I have planted Pheasants Forever food plot mix, Bird and Buck mix and Frigid Forage Brassicas mix and all have done exceptionally well. I have planted where I ran a drag harrow over the filed after seeding and also where I have not. I have not seen much difference in the results but all fields have been heavily disced prior to seeding.
Hope this helps... good luck with your food plots
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