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your favorite ATV
I have a 450 yamaha grizzly. THe atv has taken me werever iv'e wanted to go. Good power and size.
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your favorite ATV
Well I have only owned one in my life. Bought a new Polaris sportsman 500 Ducks Unlimited edition in 2001 and still have it. Its been bullet proof and worked hard all the time. Plows snow like nobodys business pulls all kinds of stuff from downed trees to trailers loaded with firewood, paddles across deep water like it was made for it. I found out after the fact that indeed it was made to swim 
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your favorite ATV
I have an Argo Bigfoot,it is a machine that can take me,wife and 2 kids anywhere. I use it weekly to haul firewood and trail maintenance,I have never had a problem with this machine.Anyone else own a 6x6/
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your favorite ATV
We have an Argo 8 wheeler, while it's true, it will go anywhere, it's also very loud and very slow.
It's good for accessing remote areas in deep snow though, but again, far slower than a snowmobile would be.
Generally we now use it a few times a year to access job sites that have been shut down during the winter, to break trail, or for hunting.
Best of luck.
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your favorite ATV
I have a Suzuki King Quad F 350 [2000] that I have abused for many a year . Thing is like a small tank & aside from one complaint I have with the CV boots, I am satisfied with this 4 wheeler. Use it to skid timber, winch downfalls, ride my trails & numerous other routine chores.
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