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Big Red has arrived
I still have the machine and the soft top. Originally intended to sell it but never got around to it....for some reason.
For what it cost me, the soft top is great. The thing stays on year around and is a blessing in the winter.
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Big Red has arrived
Mark, you nailed it right on, if I was doing what you are, I certainly would have done the same as you and gone for the Big Red.
Unfortunately my need for a machine is principally as a pure work machine, hauling firewood mostly, but also to skid logs. Even the small 4.5' x 4.5' box I make for the back full of fresh cut hardwood weighs easily 1,000 pounds.
BTW, I've done the calc's, Honda says the Big Red is 64" wide, a Toyota pickup (pre-Tundra old style pickup) is 66.5" wide. After I finish chopping the frame and making a new box, the Big Red is ~1.5' shorter, and likely has a much better turning radius though.
Enjoy, I'm really envious.
Best of luck.
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Big Red has arrived
I plan on towing Red behind the motorhome once in a while so I did some measurements.
The 65 inch measurement is fender to fender somewhere on the machine. The rubber to rubber span is about 60 inches give or take a fraction.
That makes a 5 foot wide trailer too skinny and a 6 footer a bit cumbersome. And since the thing weighs in at 1400+ pounds it is a bit too heavy for a trailer with a 2000 pound axle.
I found some really nifty trailers designed to transport 4 wheelers, but they have the afore mentioned 2000# axle and an empty weight of 500#. Too close to the limits I think.
The local trailer guy sez he can get a 3500# single axle landscape type trailer with a big fold down ramp that has a 5.5x10 foot bed.
Might have to go there.
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Big Red has arrived
Murf, have you seen the ready-made 3 point tippy bed things (note: real eloquent, huh?) from the Northern Tool Catalog?
Sounds close to what you are doing, except you are stuck with hauling at tractor transport speeds.
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Big Red has arrived
Mark, IMHO you have two options;
First is to find a 5' wide flat deck trailer with a 2,000 pound axle, the lack of sides and such should mean that you come in just under GVWR, but not by much.
The second, and probably easier way to go is to use a 'standard' 6' x 12' 'box trailer' which should have about a 2,500 pound payload.
Bear in mind that if the motorhome has enough capacity, you can always load it with a little more than 10% tongue weight, up to about 25% you shouldn't have a problem with sway. On a 1,500 pound load, 25% tongue weight means the trailer is only carrying 1,125 pounds. That should keep you safe with a 2,000 pound axle.
Best of luck.
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Big Red has arrived
Geez... I never considered subtracting the tongue weight.....
Red had its engine/transmission directly amidships. I would have to get a 12 foot trailer to "adjust" the tongue weight.
Food for thought....... Thanks.
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Big Red has arrived
Speaking of 'food for thought'....
And I realize you are not exactly in the right area for this, but......
A boat trailer with a solid (read plywood) floor added is just about what the doctor ordered, axle(s) down the back, long tongue, possibly even surge brakes.
Best of luck.
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Big Red has arrived
DRankin; It is none of my business what you actually paid for "Big Red", but what is the sticker on one equiped as yours is??? Now be honest on this one, did you buy it for work or play? My Gators have all been for work, but they are nice for a cool evening ride after supper too. Frank.
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Big Red has arrived
I bought it in Oregon, about a 6 hour drive from my house. Nevada has sales tax and Oregon does not.
That long day on the road saved about $850 in sales tax.
The MSRP is $11,400 and I got it for $11,200. I also got $1300 more for my trade-in and didn't have to pay $500 in freight that the local dealer charges.
All-in-all about $2800 off the local price.....not that they actually had one locally to sell. I did burn up about 65 gallons of gas.
It will do a little work around the house, like hauling trash cans down to the road, but it is mostly for getting out in my "backyard".
Just across my back fence is a tract of open BLM range land that stretches 27 miles east and west and 34 miles north and south.
If you lived on a lake that size you would certainly have a boat.
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Big Red has arrived
Mark if you think the new 16hp Kubota rtv is a low hp machine you probably wouldn't care for my mule 610 with a "great big" 13.5hp engine! , Craig.
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