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Yamaha Rhino Recalled
FYI, Apparently 46 people have been killed in Yamaha Rhino accidents, many from rollovers on level ground. Here's a link.
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Yamaha Rhino Recalled
That sounds a bunch like the stories about the 3 wheelers that got them banned.
Going too fast, young and/or inexperienced operator, alcohol, failure to use common sense or follow the safety guidelines......
It must be the manufacturers fault. 
Less than a month ago a Mother and her daughter drown almost in front of my summer place when the UTV they were riding on while the Husband/Father was ice fishing fell through the ice and the two drown before they were able to take off their seat belts. The husband is lucky to be alive also as he dove into the open water trying to save his family.
I have no clue if there is any truth to the rumour that a lawyer has already been retained to investigate a claim against the manufacturer for the loss.
I cannot even imagine on what basis the manufacturer could be held liable.
Best of luck.
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Yamaha Rhino Recalled
In my other life when I wrote automotive owners manuals, there was a concept of law called state-of-the-art. In legal terms it meant that if there existed a method/process/product in the industry/competition, you better have it in your product. If you did not and a failure/injury/damage/death occured you were on the hook. And in cases of strict liability judges especially in cases of Lemon Law could throw the book at a manufacturer. Florida in particular made us buy back many cars for something as minor as a finicky convertible top door window seal. At one point we were buying back 5 cars a week. The judges said other makers don't have the problem so buy them back!
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Yamaha Rhino Recalled
Murf, probably did not tell people the heat from the unit could melt ice on frozen over lakes.
If decent people don't serve on juries and stop such it will keep getting worse.
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Yamaha Rhino Recalled
Murf, probably did not tell people the heat from the unit could melt ice on frozen over lakes.
Now Kenny, your Southern roots are showing again friend.
When I say 'frozen lake' I mean FROZEN. We get 24" - 36" of ice on that lake, you couldn't melt through it in a month of Sundays.
The problem was two-fold, they were out late in the season after a warm spell, so the ice was beginning to go out. They were also in an area of small islands, which causes funny patterns in the currents. A pressure ridge had caused a crack to open and they drove into the opening before they could see it.
The contractors around here have old trucks modified for running the frozen lakes.
They have two long heavy beams welded along side like skis that will hold the truck up if it falls through. They also remove the regular doors and seat belts and put plastic vapour barrier on wire frames on in place of the doors. The theory is you can't belt yourself in, the truck can't drop all the way in, and the door barely stops the wind never mind someone in hurry to get out. 
It's a tragedy, no doubt, a good man lost his good wife and only child (daughter) right in front of his eyes. According to one of the neighbours who were close to them, the man is just a basket case. Blame? Maybe, but this was IMHO probably the closest you can get to the definition of an "accident".
Best of luck.
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