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ATV with Mower
The Swisher mower is a good mower. Do make sure that you have a water cooled model like a Bombardier or Artic Cat. You can't pull the mower very fast. But your atv pulling the mower will take care of land that some tractors dare not try. I bushhog two fields and cut all of riding trails with mine. I have a friend who has one he is wanting to sell. I know he paid a little over $1200 for it, but had to sell his 4-wheeler to buy his son a car. He is asking $600 plus shipping. Its a 10 1/2 hp rough cut Swisher, and only been used twice. You can call him at 812-336-1596
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ATV with Mower
Also at low speeds you won't tear up your lawn. If you cut your bike hard and give her gas she eat up your lawn. Run it like your grandpa would.
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ATV with Mower
I just saw a belly mower for an atv - yes I said belly mower for an atv. It is also made by swisher. I saw it in a northern tool and equipment catalog. It has its own 16 hp kawasaki motor which sticks out the back. It has a 58" cut.
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ATV with Mower
if your cutting weed as tall as bike you must travel really slow, not good on air cooled machines my cooling fan use to kick one constantly, at lease it worked but sold mine before it done the bike in.
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ATV with Mower
I know this is an old post, but have been thinking about this mowing combination lately. If a person was to buy a water cooled atv and rear finish mower, seems like you could have a mower and when finished, could have your atv. If you basically only need to mow, wouldn't this combination be more practical than buying a large lawn tractor, unless you needed to till, etc. With the large assortment of attachments coming available for atv's, this might not even be a concern. I have two acres that I finish mow. Do the tow behind mowers give a nice cut? The major drawback I see would be backing-up with it.
Just thought I would throw some things out and hopefully get some feedback from the group. Thanks
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ATV with Mower
Seems like a perfectly good idea. Mule things are another version of a compromise between work and recreation.
Most ATV's wouldn't have a PTO but Mules do. Mules are limited for recreational purposes since they have lower speeds, less stability and greater tailoring requirements than ATV's. An ATV likely would need a ground driven mower and a hitch may have to be fabricated.
Ground driven mowers do exist and I think they are preferred by golf courses so they must cut pretty well. I think the ones used by golf courses are ganged together so a rig suitable for the power and torque of an ATV should be able to put together. However, ATV engines and TX's aren't designed for draft work and that may requiring a pretty small mower rig. In that case, grass cutting time may end up cutting into recreational time in the bush and the compromise might get a bit cranky. Same thing for ATV's with snowplow blades. They work but the blades are small. People around here who use them get a bit cranky after heavy snows.
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ATV with Mower
A colleague of mine has several clients with properties which because of terrian require specialized equipment to cut the grass, usually this is done with a Steiner. The problem is a simple one, he wanted to replace his aging Steiner with a new one but the sticker shock for replacement was holding him back. He also wanted to purchase a second unit so as to speed up production time, but the cost of one was high, the cost of a pair was unworkable.
He resolved the problem by purchasing a convetional self-powered tow-behind mowing unit, but then changed the hitch around so that it was in fact being pushed instead of towed. The power unit is a 4WD ATV on turf tires. It worked so well he purchased a second unit soon after, he claims it does every bit as good a job as the Steiner but was half of the cost.
Best of luck.
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ATV with Mower
How valueable is your time? I personelly would think about a small "cut" with a mower. I would use your atv for atv purposes, they are not exactly cheap either to replace. If you plan on staying there a long time, in the end having a dedicated machine just for the mowing may save you bucks in the long haul. It should last you the rest of your life and in the mean time you would have your atv living longer too? my .02 worth
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