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How the heck am I gonna sneak this thing into the house
Pic #1. Arrived yesterday.
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How the heck am I gonna sneak this thing into the house
That's a cool outfit!
1)You have to explain to the misses about its many uses and how it is going to save time and money.
2)Diamonds usually helps.
3)Learn to live for months without any. (many months)
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How the heck am I gonna sneak this thing into the house
Pretty cool Mark! And how is your wife enjoying the new car you bought her? 
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How the heck am I gonna sneak this thing into the house
You can always try the tried & proven 'Murphy Hook', reverse psycology for wives......
When I feel the need for a new toy of some form I just tell my good lady something like "Honey, I'm feeling a little 'itchy', kind of stuck in a rut, in fact I was looking at a new (insert desired toy here) but when I told the salesman my wife would never allow it he just laughed and said 'So go out and find a mistress for yourself.'."
Invariably it is followed by a "Don't be silly Honey, if you want it go and buy it, I would never tell you what you can & can't do with your own money."
It works with sports too, instead of "I'm going to the bar to watch the game with the guys." try "Honey, one of the guys wanted to know if I wanted to meet the gang at the bar to watch the game but I thought aybe you would want me to stay home, so should I tell them all to come here instead?". She will likely be on the phone in minutes reserving a booth with a nice view of the big screen at your favourite watering hole for you.
Life is good, enjoy it.
Best of luck.
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How the heck am I gonna sneak this thing into the house
Mark, does that use a small Kubota diesel in it?
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How the heck am I gonna sneak this thing into the house
Same basic system as a BX 22.
Three cylinder 22 horse diesel and a three speed hydrostatic transmission. Not a rubber band (drive belt) in sight.
It's a 4 wheel drive, 1800+ pounds dry weight, oil bathed disc brakes all the way around and a hydraulic dump bed.
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How the heck am I gonna sneak this thing into the house
Mark, I read the description of your first day out in another thread. After 24 hrs of intense jeolousy, I can finally get it out, Congratulations!
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How the heck am I gonna sneak this thing into the house
Thanks. It's getting kinda wet tonight with this big pacific storm blowing through here. I sure hope Kubota designed it to take some weather. Gotta get a top for it, but it is so new that I can't even find filters, yet.
Have you ever read the original contract specs for the WW II jeep? The Gummint wanted something 4 wheel drive that would seat two, pull moderate loads up to 45 MPH and weigh less than 2000 pounds.
With wartime considerations, they had to take what they got, about 800 pounds overweight, but the specs have always sorta stuck in my mind.
My little RTV comes up a little short on the HP and top speed stats, but sure seems to fulfill the original intent.
I have a "backyard" that is about 1200 square miles. I think I shall do some exploring.
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