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 04-02-2014, 22:04 Post: 189900

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 Ole Dogs and other pets good memories

We had a Golden Retriever that was a real family member. In thinking back on him have done a good bit of laughing and some crying. Two things that stand out in many was how he lapped up some hot soup one day in our kitchen and spit it all over the kitchen. I laughed and cleaned for a while. Did not realize dog's don't seem to have any idea how hot food is before they gobble it.

The other was he had a way of showing older people how he cared about them. He would be gentle while often jumping in their lag is sitting in large chair as if he were a poodle or such. Made my Mama laugh often doing that. He could sense a person's lack of stability it seemed for he was very careful around them if standing.

How about your memories?

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 04-02-2014, 22:57 Post: 189901

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 Ole Dogs and other pets good memories

Our last poodle had a flip side temperature experience. We were scooping ice cream and a scoop fell on the floor. She gobbled it down in one swallow and two seconds later up came soft serve.

We also had a pool with a built in hot tub. She would walk across the floating cover in the hot tub like it was nothing, until one day she walked across a cover that wasn't there. I fished her out before she went down the skimmer! I also used to float on my back in the pool for 30-60 minutes at a shot. She would jump in, swim over, crawl up on my belly and curl up and go to sleep as if I were a giant air mattress.

We sure love our doggies.

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 04-03-2014, 07:17 Post: 189902

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 Ole Dogs and other pets good memories

We had a Heinz 57 breed short legged little dog that caused our kids to go to school with one mitten missing pretty often. In the winter when the kids were waiting for the bus "Taffy" loved to grab a mitten off their hand and run with it. She would bring the mittens back to the door after the bus left. It used to make their mother angry at the dog but I don't remember any of the kids suffering any ill results.


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 04-03-2014, 17:59 Post: 189909

Join Date: Aug 2009
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 Ole Dogs and other pets good memories

We had a very big orange cat where we lived in the suburbs before we moved to our farm. He LOVED ground hog. He would go to a cattle farm over the hill from our housing plan and must have raided a ground hog den. Each night he'd bring a baby ground hog home and eat it on the back porch. One evening, he came back with one and almost as soon as I thought, "Be sure to eat that don't let that get away..." He dropped it and it raced to the neighbors manicured lawn and dug a hole. That ground hog stayed in the neighborhood for a couple of years, living under the neighbor's back porch. "Yeah, must've come up from down the hill," I would say...I was mostly right!

I sure miss that cat here on the farm!


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