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GM CEO Rick Wagoner Resigns -- US Govt Presses On
N-o-t s-o f-a-s-t Murf ol' boy.
Yah! What he said.
A while back we had a clown running for President who was aptly described as "a hand grenade with a bad haircut".
Anyway, he coined the phrase "the giant sucking sound" and if you listen real good from Canada you can hear it.
This time it is the sound of our Pres purposely steering the US into the toilet and don't fool yourself, most of the industrialized world is going down with us.
Just listen to some honest reporting (if there is such a thing anymore) from the current G20 conference. The rest of the world leaders know that Oback Barama is flushing them too.
If you are storing food you better have a gun so you can keep the food. I figure ammo will be the new currency and there won't be a safe Mormon household on the continent.
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GM CEO Rick Wagoner Resigns -- US Govt Presses On
As the old saying goes, "A majority of ONE only matters if YOU are that ONE".
The rest of the world will not let the Abomination drag them down with it.
Yes it will hurt if the auto sector jobs go away, but since our economy is well above some others, and we are a net EXPORTER of things like electricity, natural gas, oil, farm produce and forest products that will be in greater demand, we will bounce back faster, by all accounts, a LOT faster.
That said, I do honestly believe it will be a bumpy ride.
Best of luck.
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GM CEO Rick Wagoner Resigns -- US Govt Presses On
Yes your banks are in better shape, but as far as employment goes there are BIG worries about the auto-related industries--such as Chrysler completely pulling out and perhaps GM too if contracts aren't revisited.
Jeff, while it's a concern, it's not a big one, our plants make better, less expensive to produce vehicles than almost any others.
The plants in Brazil, Mexico and overseas will be closed long before ours are.
That little scrap of paper called NAFTA says vehicle production gets shared or our borders get closed to them, and vice-versa.
The new head hunters put in charge will go for quality and cost savings over protecting union jobs. Union propaganda only sells so many cars, less than quality will.
Best of luck.
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GM CEO Rick Wagoner Resigns -- US Govt Presses On
The new head hunters put in charge will go for quality and cost savings over protecting union jobs. Union propaganda only sells so many cars, less than quality will.Best of luck.
Geez Murf, That is NOT the view from the vortex, at least when we can see beyond the toilet paper. Barama leaked the strategy when he blurted to Joe the Plumber. It is all about righting cosmic wrongs.
The rich, evil CEO's have stolen from the workers too long and we have to return the wealth to "its rightful owners". In this instance it is the poor oppressed union workers.
GM and Chrysler will be restructured to maximize benefits for the unions, and restructured to produce not the most profitable car lines but only the "green" models that are currently collecting dust on the dealers lots.
And when the stupid little econo-boxes don't sell, the government will step in and buy them to keep the whole charade afloat.
The kicker for me was when the same government who buys $900 toilet seats, destroyed Social Security and mis-managed Medicare into a Black Hole promised to honor and IMPROVE on GM's vehicle warranties.
Oh Boy........ That certainly will turn GM showrooms into ghost towns. Can you say Yugo?
And watch out Toyota! These people cannot stand the competition and will have to drive you offshore or mandate your participation in the UAW.
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GM CEO Rick Wagoner Resigns -- US Govt Presses On
Oh, BTW........ If you think I am really out in left field, have a good look at our National Rail System, Amtrak.
It is the model for what is coming to the government run car industry.
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GM CEO Rick Wagoner Resigns -- US Govt Presses On
Mark, I hear what you're saying, and to a certain degree even agree with it, BUUUUUUT........
No matter what the 'talk' is now, the bottom line is they must get the sales, and therefore profit, numbers up.
The rank & file of society will NOT (IMHO) go out and buy a GM (or whatever) merely because the guy in charge said to.
In the end the almighty green-back will win out over the 'best' intentions of the Goober-mint.
The rail system, heck, look at the oil industry.
Do you, or anyone else, know that what has been described as "more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil known in the world today" (according to the Denver Post) a deposit of more than up to 4.3 BILLION barrels are sitting under North Dakota and Montana?
Why is the oil still there, why are there no drill rigs tapping into it?
Environmentalists say "no"........
Best of luck.
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GM CEO Rick Wagoner Resigns -- US Govt Presses On
"In the end the almighty green-back will win out over the 'best' intentions of the Goober-mint."
We'll see, but so far conserving/making money has not been the object to anything proposed........
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GM CEO Rick Wagoner Resigns -- US Govt Presses On
....The kicker for me was when the same government who buys $900 toilet seats, destroyed Social Security and mis-managed Medicare into a Black Hole promised to honor and IMPROVE on GM's vehicle warranties. ......
Mark, my wife and I were talking aout this at breakfast this morning, and she is not into mechanics and cars at all. So she says how is Obama going warranty GM and Chrysler new cars if they are going under?
So I explained to her Obama is not going to attempt to keep the Dealer Service Network in place. What he probably means is that he will do what GM did in the 1970's when GM quality was at an all time low (now is the low point for GM as a comapany). To get consumers to buy they offered extended warranties. The gotcha then as it is now is that these were third party Auto Maintenance insurance contracts that would provide for reimbursement under the condtions of the contract. This might mean that you had go to a certain mechanic etc..
Would it not be funny if the insurer for the GM and Chrysler new car warranties was AIG. Heck why don't we all just pay for it directly out our taxes for the repairs of anyone foolish enough to buy a GM under these circumstances.
How and what are we really saving when we bail out GM and Chrysler. So lets say we let them go, won't the jobs just shift to Honda, Toyota and others. Sure expensive parts are built in Japan. If we were concerned about the engine import why not put a tarriff on Engines so that components were manufactured here.
As I see it the Detroit bail out is really about the Unions and the jobs in the states where GM and Chrysler operate. Cars wear out they don't last forever, someone has to build them, and they need to be cars that people want to own. Trying to coerce the consumer to buy a certain brand is ludicrous.
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GM CEO Rick Wagoner Resigns -- US Govt Presses On
If the objective intent is to fix the problem, and "firing" the CEO was a legitimate repair, then firing the unions should also have been a legitimate repair since they clearly are a big part of the problem.
Mark is right, unions are off-limits.
Communist-Americans are running the country now, and soon the poor, middle and upper classes will be reduced to two - the government class and the proles.
BTW, what's the difference between Socialism and Communism? Two months.
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GM CEO Rick Wagoner Resigns -- US Govt Presses On
BTW, what's the difference between Socialism and Communism? Two months.
Democracy is two wolves and one sheep voting on what's for dinner.
Socialism is two wolves and one sheep voting on what's for dinner, but the sheep commands the armed forces.
Communism is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner, but both the sheep and wolves were brain-washed from an early age to believe they are all the same.
A Republic is two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner..... except the sheep has a gun and doesn't mind eating grass.
Best of luck.
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