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On Star talks to me
We have an 07 Chevy Trailblazer with On Star of course. That's been a beef of mine since they made it standard equipment forcing you to buy an option that I've never wanted in the first place. We had Venture van with it before the Trailblazer and on either one I've never used it or paid the yearly fee. They must have given up by now, they were calling me every so often wanting me to pay the fee at half price or less, sorry I'm not interested. Anyhow here lately when I get in the Trailblazer, start the engine a voice says, "May I help you, What do you need, etc, etc,." I just don't say anything and finally it quits. So my question, have I punched a switch that I didn't know I had or why is this supposed to be long ago expired thing keep talking to me? I don't like to be rude to anyone even a mechanical voice.
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On Star talks to me
If it were mine I'd ask the dealer to disable it permanently and, if they can't or won't, buy something else without big brother built in.
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On Star talks to me
Frank, I googled a little on this and on a Tahoe board they mentioned that there is an On Star fuse that could be removed to disable it. You might check the fuse chart in the owners manual.
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On Star talks to me
I don't like to be rude to anyone even a mechanical voice.
Ok, where's Frank and what have you done with him?
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On Star talks to me
I'm right here. So I've been let to believe that you're a real person and really you are a computer generated person from cyber space, where ever that is.
I'm still right over here on the left side of the "Sippi" where we have ten times more hogs than people. Have a pork chop.
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On Star talks to me
Frank, the cynical, skeptical side of me wonders if this isn't some clever marketing thing?
Some people who don't use it suddenly have their car talking to them, they get to liking it and subscribe, free advertising if you will.
BTW, as luck would have it, I grilled a couple of 1.5" thick chops last night, that's some good eating!!! It was 65° and sunny way up here in Cannuckistan.
Best of luck.
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On Star talks to me
The paranoid side of me says if it can talk to you it can listen to you.
Forgive me if I said this before but for a many years I wrote software for a vehicle tracking system in LA. It had a control center where operators at times were bored. There was no requirement for security and operators could peruse the database at will. Being LA there were a lot of celebrities in the database and operators would find them and track their vehicles to see where they were. A stalker and extortionist dream come true. In those days there wasn't the ability to talk or listen to the customer though. At one point we the owners discussed a relationship with GM to either provide tracking services or to be bought outright. That never happened but a few years later GM launched OnStar.
It wouldn't surprise me if bored OnStar operators (maybe now they are government employees) tracked and listened in to folks at times. Famous people, suspicious spouses and parents or just someone they know.
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