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 08-30-2007, 18:07 Post: 145229

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 Sales Tax Question New York

EW, hate to bust your bubble but what is sales tax taxable varies so much from state to state it is unreal. Does Delaware have any sales tax? What Harvery said about the differnce between what the materials is used for DOES NOT MATTER IN SC. If you are repairing, build new or adding on it is TAXED. and in SC the one tax you better pay it the SALES TAX. They will close a business quicker for not paying that than any other tax in this state. When you get to something like sales tax that varies so much from one state to another and then throw in the counties and cities and how they add on to the state's sale tax you really have to know for that local tax district and my friend called by the locals as "he who drives in sort of circles", is my story and I am sticking to it. kt

Jeff, did you ever put sun screens on your tractor? No joking or picking on you. No I was not the one who suggested the lace either.

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 08-30-2007, 18:29 Post: 145231

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 Sales Tax Question New York

Kenny no bubbles to burst here, bud. No offense either Smile

Wasn't it KWSchumm that suggested the lace? (I thought it was you originally) No biggie. No sunscreens needed 'round here, or even down there it turns out. The fiberglass canopy turned out to be more than adequate. And driving in circles---wow--I have been fighting an inner ear infection so if I even look to the right I get dizzy---and that's just sitting at the dinner table.

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 08-30-2007, 22:44 Post: 145238

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 Sales Tax Question New York

Our standard sales tax rate here in Iowa is 5% unless the point of sale is in a city or county that has a "Local Option Tax" that has been voted in by the residents of that city or county. I think the L.O.T. has to have a definete use policy before it csn be voted in, and a definite date it will expire. The last couple years I ran the furniture plant it was always a challenge to know if you charged the "LOT" on something that was built outside the tax aeria ans hauled into the tax aeria, so finally on any that were questionable I would call my cousin who is a state sales tax auditor and ask her, she kept me out of jail. Frank.

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