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Ferguson Yardmaker grass sower
Anyone had any experience with a Ferguson "Yardmaker"? It says it aerates-seeds-fertilizes all in one pass. It's promoted as a overseeder but I want it to first seed and then will have it for overseeding. I have B7800 Kubota, Kubota tiller, box blade and landscape rake to use also. Remember, don't get lost on my other implements, what about the Ferguson "Yardmaker"- personal knowledge-personal experience.
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Ferguson Yardmaker grass sower
I have a yardmaker and have had great success with it. If you plan to use it for first seeding you may want to go over the groud several times. Since the tines are 2 to 3 inches long and places slits in the ground several inches apart. I have also found that you have better luck a couple of days after a good rain if you have hard ground.
I use it to keep my coastal field in shape then overseed with rye and wheat in the fall with it. It is good for breaking up the hard ground horses can create. If you only drive over once, the coverage may be patchy because see falls in the holes then comes up. I would recommend going over a few times before putting seed in the hopper.
The seed adjustment is a little clugy but liveable.
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Ferguson Yardmaker grass sower
I Found this on Dogpile Images.
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Ferguson Yardmaker grass sower
Thanks for info.
Galley: I will be tilling new ground first,then seeding. Will I need to make several passes seeding to get even grass fill?
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Ferguson Yardmaker grass sower
No, if the ground is tilled I don't think several passes is necessary. It could be detrimental. Some seed will fall into the slits made by the spikes and may be to deep to come up. One pass would be ok. Might consider two passes then drag harrow (or cyclone fence)to smooth coverage, then pass with seed in it. All depends on ground condition. There is also suppose to be a dethatcher optional equipment, haven't seen it but would be great for over seeding.
Good luck, I think you will like the implement.
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Ferguson Yardmaker grass sower
I am fixing to establish a bermuda grass lawn of about 3 acres. Instead of sowing my bermuda in my flower beds, driveway, and the cotton field surronding my yard, I thought about using a yard maker. My question is will the gate close down enough to accuratley drop bermuda seed? the ground will be worked and rolled down to a firm seed bed. I was wondering if the roller was going to be to aggresive and plant the seed to deep. What do you guys suggest??
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