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Right time to spray lawn for weeds
I was supposed to have sprayed the lawn for dandelions last fall, but did'nt get to it. Can i still do it this spring or is a "Weed and Feed" granular product more in order? Thanks. Frank.
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Right time to spray lawn for weeds
In my area about a week or so ago was the time to treat for weeds. You a bit more north of me so I would say get r done ASAP before the dandelions have a chance to go to seed. The chickweed is on the loose this year too to best to hit it early as well. The bag type weed n feed works well. Spraying I use for more touch up work.
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Right time to spray lawn for weeds
I agree with 2ndHandLion, get-r-don now. I've got a few places on the South side of buildings where they have already blossomed. I have more luck with spray than granular. Frank, as a farmer I would have thought that you had an ATV setup with spraying tanks. Most farmers in my area have a setup like that to spray around the edge of fields and spot spray patches of weeds in the field.
If I go granular, it works best for me early in the morning just after daybreak. The granules stick to the moist grass and with no wind or a slight breeze the fumes hover good.
When I use spray, it works best at the same time of day and I mix it between 1/4 and 1/2 stronger than by the label. That seems to get 'em best.
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Right time to spray lawn for weeds
yoperpete; No, I've never owned an ATV, but did have a home made three pt. sprayer for the 4410. I've used it a lot in the past to spray fencerows, etc., but it fell apart on me last summer and I just haven't gotten around to the rebuild stage yet. I checked at the local elevator today, they have a nice walk behind they furnish if you buy the dope from them, so that looked like the way to go. Thanks. Frank.
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