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What to use brush hog or RFM
I'm going out this afternoon to mow the paddocks. The grass is about 10"-12" high; I plan to cut it down to about 5" or so. I have a 4' brush hog and a 5' RFM. Which do people suggest I use? On the one hand, it's clearly a brush hog job. On the other, I like the way the finish mower leaves smaller clippings which will dry out faster. It takes about 2 1/2 hours to mow the big paddock, so I won't have time to cut it twice.
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What to use brush hog or RFM
If it were me, and the grass were that high, I would use the brush hog. Unless your RFM works better than mine, you'll have clumps of grass everywhere anyway. You'll probably get done in 1/2 the time with the brush hog, but I guess your final results will make your choice for you.
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What to use brush hog or RFM
If this is thick weedy stuff as it would be here in N. Wisc., I would use the bushhog. Dont know what you are
using for a tractor, but I have tractors with hydrostatic
trans. and I use as high an rpm as possible and go as slow
or as fast as I need to get the cut or finish I want.
I also 'sharpen' my blades to get a finish type cut. The
stuff I cut this time of year is 'tough' and a very sharp
blade really makes for a nice cut with a bushhog type
mower. I already know many dont agree with sharpening,
but it works for me.
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What to use brush hog or RFM
If you are sure the paddocks are clear of rocks, barbed wire, stumps and other objects that could cause damage to your RFM; I would use the RFM. If the paddock has not been mowed in a long time and you are unsure of what may be hidden in the grass & brush; use the rotary cutter.
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What to use brush hog or RFM
Ended up using the brush hog and am glad I did. The grass was much thicker up close than I thought. Now that it's cut, I am going to roll it (just because a big roller is there!) and will start finish mowing it every two weeks or so through the fall to help keep the weeds down.
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