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 06-02-2006, 11:41 Post: 130291

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 What if no rain

I planted bermuda grass seed on my pasture almost a week ago now and we were supposed to have a few days of rain in the week. We have had none and it looks now like we won't for at least another week. It is on ten acres and we don't have water out there yet. Do I need to get someone to come out with a water truck or something to water it down? Will the hot sun kill my seed if it doesn't get any water?

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 06-02-2006, 13:32 Post: 130299

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 What if no rain

Seeds are a wonderful thing, the good Lord was paying attention when he made them.

If they haven't germinated yet about the only two things that will do them any harm are birds eating them or a nuclear bomb going off nearby. If neither of those two things happen, the seed will be fine. Laughing out loud.

If they have sprouted, that's another matter.

We routinely overseed turf in the fall with a slit seeder and it lays there dormant till spring.

Best of luck.

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 06-02-2006, 14:20 Post: 130308

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 What if no rain

Murf, that's a better answer than my idea of drinking lots and lots of beer every night.

Seeds do last just fine. The packets I use for my garden often last several years before I use them up. Haven't had any problems.

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 06-02-2006, 14:27 Post: 130309

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 What if no rain

Mine aren't in packets....I've already seeded them in the ground. I was just worried that too much sun without any rain would hinder them or stop them from germinating.

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 06-03-2006, 07:38 Post: 130349

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 What if no rain

You will be fine. Seeds are amazing things as Murf pointed out. Many plants seeds are deisgned to be able to survive years until the conditions are right for them to germinate. When the weather gets enough moisture, you'll start seeing it grow. You may have a few funny spots where the seeds blew away or critters got them. But that's easy to overseed and fix once it rains.

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 06-05-2006, 10:47 Post: 130460

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 What if no rain

A couple of weeks is nothing, I recall reading some time back (in National Geo. I think) about some scientists who had found some seeds in a recently discovered tomb, Inca if I remember correctly, and decided to plant a few to see what would happen.

They germinated!!!

Best of luck.

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 06-29-2006, 22:29 Post: 131563

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 What if no rain

That is why I spray round up, wait 2 weeks, spray round up again, wait 2 more weeks. Till and prepaire my seed bed (for all my food plots), wait at least 2 more weeks and spray the final time. You can kill ALL the weeds on top of the surface but as soon as you turn over the ground you bring up NEW weed seeds that have been dormant (too deep in the ground to germinate) for many years. As soon as their conditions are right they germinate. If you get NO rain and you see absolutely NO grass germination BUT you see weeds that are growing you can spray that field with round up BEFORE your grass seed germinates. This will kill off any weeds that are drought tolerant and have sprouted with the morning dews. It would definately help your grass down the road if you can kill off as many weeds as possible now.
Good luck

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 06-30-2006, 07:23 Post: 131565

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 What if no rain

Once you achieve a weed free seed bed, what is your technique for getting the seed in the ground?

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