AMDRO Ant Block - does it work
They've really been pushing AMDRO ant block on radio commercials around here and it has me interested. This time of year we always have a problem with ants finding their way into our house. They crawl up the foundation wall and under the sheathing into the walls. Little piles of cellulose insulation mark the paths where they come in. In past years I've sprayed Diazinon around the base wall and after a 4-6 week battle the ants become scarce. I'm thinking of trying this Amdro bait stuff. Has anyone else used it?
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AMDRO Ant Block - does it work
I used Amdro granules on fire ant mounds when I lived in Texas and it worked well. I'd say it would be worth a try.
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AMDRO Ant Block - does it work
Ken, I have been using Amdro on fire ants with mixed results. On some ant mounds the ants will pickup the granuals and take them inside the mounds and the mound is wiped out in about a week or so. On other mounds the ants just ignore the granuals. It works, but not always. On the stubborn ant mounds I use Orthene WP or you can just sprinkle the powder on the mound.
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AMDRO Ant Block - does it work
I picked up a bottle today and sprinkled some around the affected areas. After awhile the ants picked some granules up and started moving them around. Maybe it will work. I've learned one thing - don't believe the info published by the cellulose insulation folks when they say it's treated with Borax to resist insects. The ants around here happily set up colonies in cellulose and make themselves right at home.
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AMDRO Ant Block - does it work
I have used it it is about the same a the rest of the junk they sell. It will kill the mound that it is applied to but another mound will pop up 10' away. Is it the same ants I dont know. Maybe I will ask one of the little red devils. Do they make tracking collers that size?
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AMDRO Ant Block - does it work
It's been about 10 days since I sprinkled Amdro around the perimeter of the house. Definitely mixed results. Some of the mounds appear to be dead but others have lots of activity. It's galling to see the ants crawling over the Amdro granules day after day ignoring them. I guess it's back to Diazinon spray and some direct action.
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AMDRO Ant Block - does it work
Ken, try the Orthene WP or Orthene 97 mixed at the maximum concentration. I mixed mine up about double to triple strength. It is VERY effective on ants and especially fire ants. I have had very good results with it. It works best if you can find the ant mound and soak the mound area and down deep in the soil.
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AMDRO Ant Block - does it work
Is the Amdro product a Block or a Bait? I was thinking their product is a Bait.
I think when you find a mound within 10 or so feet on fire ants popping up it is the same mount. No tracking collars needed. It may be a new hatching but you need to kill the live ants and the eggs. That is why a bait is suppose to be best or a product that really floods the mound.
There are some reasonbily new powders that you sprinkle over the mound without water that does good. I have also had good success (not a term often used with fire ants) with the product they advertise as last all season which means 2 to 3 months. I have used two or three different brands and had about the same success with each. At this moment there was one brand we had the best success with but really not sure now which it was. It was the brand Sam's sold if that helps.
I by more accident than anything else found out a couple of ounces of malathon not diluted poured directly into the mounds works very fast and seems to be as good as anything else. I don't think you are where you will find the product but if you do ask for tobacco bed dust. It is labelled in some states for fireants but not in all. It is very dangerous and seriously do not haul inside your vechile. Put in bed of pickup or such and do not store in you house. You can smell it in brand new containter. It is strong. Just sprinkle that over the mound and it normally takes care of it. There are some brands of a powder that is sort of like this but not as strong that Wal Mart sells as does Lowes and Home Depot.
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AMDRO Ant Block - does it work
Amdro is a bait. They claim results should happen in a week, but it's been 10 days on one mound with no reduction in activity yet. I think this is the mound that is the source of ants that are coming into the house so it's extra frustrating.
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AMDRO Ant Block - does it work
It definately depends on the ant and his lunch habbits.
Once in a while I will use the natural pesticide technique with the fire ants. I scoop a few ants from a hill near another hill and add it to the top and do the same with the other. The resulting war usually wipes out one or the other or both. This cuts down on the bait used.
Often there are hills less than ten feet apart. You kill of the big mount and the small hill takes the territory.
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