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Lawn Aeration
They are some here who use what they call a "field cultivator" as last till before planting. It is normally 3 rows of small cultivator plows on vibrating shanks with "baskets" to roll the soil following. Yet I have been told you can only use that on ALREADY disk ground. A man who has makes them told me that also. At same time I see less and less chisel plowing here. It is amazing to read old books and see the circle that farming also has run in. First man planted with a stick, then need to plant deeper and a hoe and wooden plow and then deeper with iron and steel and we are almost back to the stick in some fields.
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Lawn Aeration
NC, in re reading your orginial post, and trying to remember my Troy Bilt tiller, could you use cut off (unless you have some very worn) tines? The one business locally that does this on a large scale will then spread sand to fill in the holes to help prevent it ground sealing back up.
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Lawn Aeration
KT; The field cultivator is basicly identical to a soil finisher except it doesn't have the disc blades ahead of the shanks to cut up the old corn stalks, and your comment about having to disc ahead of the field cultivator is also correct. Todays modern hybrid corn variteys have a much more robust stalk plus we now plant in the 30- 35,000 seeds per acre compared to 20 yrs ago when 20-25000 population per acre was considered high, so there is just so much old fodder to deal with that a field cultivator just plugs with cornstalks. The rolling basket levers behind the soil finisher don't work very good here, they plug with last years corn butts and cease to roll, so the tine toothe harrow is about all that is used here. Hope this helps. Enjoy your evening. Frank.
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Lawn Aeration
Wow! Some real expert opinions here! Yes a buddy of mine rented a walk behind powered aerator. He said it did a fine job. It was a manhandler though. And of course inconvenient and pricey for one time use. KT, I had thought about a "cut off" set of tines for my tiller. I understand sometimes they sell special aerator tines for tillers but I haven't located any that would fit my Troy Bilt. That would be ideal since I haven't really used my tiller for much lately. Hardwood, your knowledge in this area is great. Thanks all for your comments!
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