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 03-21-2007, 15:37 Post: 140606

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Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Washington, PA
TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster
Posts: 243
 Lawn Tractor recommendation

OK, gang, my 79 year old father in law had his Sears lawn tractor stolen. I told him he ought to consider taking his $1000 insurance money, and buy a used, higher quality, even if it is 30 years old, lawn and garden tractor. He only mows a 1/2 acre tops with it. Knowing this, what model(s) should I be looking for? Someone near me has a 1971 JD 140, but they want $1600 for it...sounds high to me. Suggestions?

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 03-21-2007, 16:03 Post: 140608

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 Lawn Tractor recommendation

How is his health? He probably really enjoys the work if no health problem. If any health problem how long would that go towards hiring it cut?

I would not think on any stick steering mower. They are quick to the touch. kt

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 03-21-2007, 16:06 Post: 140609

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 Lawn Tractor recommendation

I own 6 Cub Cadets which 4 of them are nearly 30 years old. Yes, they keep on running but there is always some maintenance. Even my oldest ones are worth atleast $1,000.00. JD models always sell for more than a Cadet or one of the other major brands. Mine are all garden tractors vs: lawn tractors

I would suggest going out and purchasing a new one at one of the big box stores which is just entry level. Another posibility is checking local newspapers for one that is nearly new and a step up in model for slightly higher quality.

Last year my neighbor who was 92 got another Sears.

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