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Turf report thanks Murf
Sometine this past spring Murf gave us a report on how to grow good sod, but I can't find the thread back. Anyhow the result is after following his advice we now have a nice looking rejuvinated front yard. First I sprayed it with 2-4-D to thin out the dandeloins and othere assorted weeds. I took soil samples, applied lime and fertilizer to the spec's called for from the soil analysis. I was way short on lime, and low enough on fetil;ity that I spread twice a month apart. Since spring I've reseeded twice just before a good soaking rain,(a bit of luck there). Thanks Murf. Frank.
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Turf report thanks Murf
Frank, glad to be of assistance.
I do not however bear any responsibility if you wear out your mower dealing with that newly invigorated lawn.
As an aside, being in the business I am, I get asked about turf a LOT. My advice is always the same, what you end up with is a direct result of what you start with. With a minimum of the RIGHT effort, you make a beautiful lawn out of nearly anything.
Best of luck.
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Turf report thanks Murf
Speaking of grass...
I'll be planting a pretty large area next week. The ground is tilled/raked topsoil - starting from scratch with seed. I'm going to set up multiple sprinklers with automatic on/off valves.
Question is (assuming no rain) what would be the best watering pattern? I have numerous options - I can set the duration and frequency of the watering. i.e. 5 minutes every 2 hours or 3 minutes every hour, etc.
I know each sprinkler is different and covers different area, so maybe a better question is hour much 'rain' on a daily basis is best?
- Jason
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Turf report thanks Murf
Jason, first things first.
If you haven't already done so, take a soil sample and have it analyzed. This is a critical step!! If you don't know the soil conditions you cannot amend the soil and add the proper level of nutrients to ensure the lawn gets off to the best possible start. Generally speaking, in your part of the world you will need both lime & fertilizer unless the topsoil you speak of is high quality triple mix already.
Next, don't forget to mulch the newly seeded lawn. The seeds will need protection and the moisture holding properties that will provide.
Finally, watering the newly seeded lawn. The primary thing to remember is that in order to germinate the seed must be both, very near the surface, and kept moist. The best way to do this is with frequent light waterings. The sunnier and or windier it is, the more often you water. If in doubt, wet it down!!!!
For an 'average' early autumn weather, a good soak very early in the morning, and maybe another just past lunch will usually do the trick. Avoid watering in the evening though, water on the plant leaves and a warm night is a perfect situation for some types of fungi which can wipe out a young lawn in days. Usually before you notice or can do anything about it.
Basically you want the soil constantly damp for the first 3 weeks, then for the next 3 weeks water 2 or 3 times a week, always first thing in the morning, as early as possible, then scale back to 1" - 2" of water at least once per week. Begin mowing when it reaches 3" and if possible with a mower equipped with a bagger, otherwise gently rake it to remove the clippings.
Best of luck.
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Turf report thanks Murf
Thanks Murf.
I almost forgot about the watering at night (I usually don't water), but I know folks who have gotten fungi doing so.
Soil is great around here. I planted an area about 9 days ago - and the grass is already over an inch tall. (Granted, we got 10" of rain over 6 days last week.)
- Jason
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Turf report thanks Murf
Murf; Another turf queation for "Murf from Turf". We have had some nice comments on both the newly seeded part and the reseeded part of our lawn all this from following your advice. Now that winter is likely soon coming, should I stop mowing the new seeding or keep it mowed short? We have had plenty of rain and the temps. are staying above nornal so far. You said you would bear no responsibility for any extra lawnmower expense, but maybe you would like to make a guest appearance to drive the second mower I had to buy to keep ahead of the every fourth day mowing scheduel this summer. One of our Granddaughters overheard me telling the Mrs. about the advice from "Murf" so she said, Oh, he must be "Murf from Turf". Frank.
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