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Fall fertilizer for one year old lawn
My lawn is a mixture of bluegrass, and fescue, planted 13 months ago. Lots of clay, with a little black dirt mixed on the top. The lawn was green in the spring, and is trending toward the yellow side in the last 6 months. I did use Scotts this summer. I plan to plug aerate, and hit it with winterizer. Any other suggestings? SHould I have an ag company take a soil sample? Starting to get clover. SHould I spray this with 2-4-D? Thanks for any suggestions.
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Fall fertilizer for one year old lawn
Chris you're in Iowa. Don't you get winters like we do here near Detroit? I had the final cut done to my grass today and don't expect to have it done again until about the second or third week of April.
That said, I have never heard of fertilizing for fall. Seems like a waste of money to me as the grass (here) will be dormant after the first big freeze. It's pretty much stopped growing for this year.
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Fall fertilizer for one year old lawn
I did the fall fertilizer thing on mine more due to the dry summer. I have not put anything on it in a couple of seasons. From what I have read, the fall treatment helps to build a good root system.
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Fall fertilizer for one year old lawn
My guess is your soil was quite depleted of any minerals when you planted the grass and it will need several feedings per year to establish the root systems to sustain a green lawn. A yellow lawn is almost always a sign of a lack of fertilizer. Just give it fertilizer more often next year and of course you will have to mow it more.
Also, fall is a good time to fertilize because it will green up earlier next spring. If you have already had some killing frosts, fertilizer now would not help much now but would help it green up sooner.
As to the clover, it's hard to kill. 2-4D will burn it back temporarily but you would have to hit it several times with a much stronger mix than suggested on the label and then sometimes that won't even work. They use to make a special clover/chickweed chemical that works better that you might be able to still find. If not, just keep putting a strong mix of 2-4D and you will eventually kill it.
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