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prep for grass seeding
I am looking for the most painless way to convert a 5 acre field of ragweed and misc. other weeds into turf. My plan is as follows: mow down weeds, a week later apply roundup to whole lot. 4 weeks later a local farmer will disk it well. then I will remove rocks. then I will plant grass using a seeder a local implement company has that resembles a grain drill, only it's for grass. I have a friend that has used the seeder in question and I am happy with the results he got. two questions: do you see any problem with my plan (seeding to occur in september - in Ohio)? secondly, what's the best way to remove rocks? I fear hand picking 5 acres will take me a month.
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prep for grass seeding
I would add one more stage: after disking, leave for a week or so and spray with roundup one more time. You will be amazed how many weeds survived the first spraying.
It might also be worth watering well after disking to get any seeds to germinate.
Its much easier to get rid of weeds tat this stage than later when the grass is growing.
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prep for grass seeding
One thing you need to keep in mind is that in your area Mid to late August is the best time to seed. That's because the days are warm and the nights get heavy dews. Great stuff for seeds. if you start pushing the envelope into September it should be before 9/15. I have done the Early October thing and it has mixed results. Ideally seeding in late August will have you mowing the grass before winter (depending on the seed you pick and precipitation you get) which will help it get established better.
About that field, if it is rough, you may well need to plough it, then let it set, cultivate it, disk it, then York Rake or better Harley Rake or Rock Hound the rocks out. I assume you want a finished appearance on it. You can seed it with any rotary type spreader. Make sure you hire someone to blow some straw on if it is a finish lawn you are after
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