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repairing divots
----------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a question for Murf or any of you golf course experts out there.I've noticed while playing golf lately,(i find the time once in a while)that on short holes where you get a lot of divots,they place pails filled with a mixture to fill in your divot.It appears to be mostley sand and i assume has seed mixed in.Since i occationaly take a divot with my mower,i thought it might be handy to have a container of this on the truck.Is this a prepared mix you can buy or do you just mix up your own.
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repairing divots
I asked a couple of the turf managers I deal with since we don't do this ourselves, the course staff does it. Each answer was a little different, but generally it is a mixture of approx. 50% sand, 25% topsoil, 25% peat moss (for water retention to encourage germination. Several of the higher-end courses have a staff member go around every day with a gadget sort of like the 'plugging tool' you would use for planting bulbs, they remove a plug of soil around the affected area and fill it with a plug of grass taken from the edge of the course, or a 'grass nursery' they maintain for such a purpose. A scrap of 4" pipe with a handle seems to be the 'plug tool' of choice. I like the take a plug out, put a plug in idea best myself because it is fast and low maintenance. Best of luck.
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repairing divots
Thanks Murf,that formula sounds like it would look like what i have seen.I wonder if they also add grass seed,because it seems to grow back very rapidly.If it ever stops raining so i can get my lawns done and get back out on the course,i'l ask them.Thanks again.Reg.
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repairing divots
In Florida and the south, or with creeping grass varieties like bermuda, they use sand only. In this way, the grass grows back over the divot and you don't end up with patches of greener grass or weeds introduced in a mixture. In fact, most plugs that golfers replace end up dying so they prefer that you replace divots with sand which they provide in a small bucket on the back of the cart.
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