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Natural Deer Poop Lawn Fertilizer
It is that time of year where your local Garden Center and Box stores will be receiving large orders of Lime and Lawn Fertilizer as spring is just around the corner, regardless of the two feet of snow and ice outside my window.
I have not fertilized the lawn for at least 10 years now. Whenever I did the fast rush of nitrogen would green it up fast followed by a rapid yellowing as all the chemicals nitrogen consumed left the plants wanting another fix.
Where I live there all lots of deer that graze my yard and by spring the deer droppings are pretty widespread and numerous. I have to think this organic more balanced approach just allows me to do nothing and maybe not have a blue green turf but just fine ...
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Natural Deer Poop Lawn Fertilizer
There can be such a wide variance in the needs of the different lawn grasses and then the difference in the soils of an area I do agree with Murf need to do soil test even though don't do it real often. Agree with you the high nitrogen does not last as long as wished and seldom do put nitrogen on our lawn. When I do usually a light application so not a major swing. That being said hot weather lawn grass I don't think needs the nitrogen your colder climate grass does.
Then I go back to my young years with cows on pasture and we never fertilized it. Was that smart? It was not grazed heavy and held up well.
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Natural Deer Poop Lawn Fertilizer
The difference for me is: Is it a lawn or a yard? I'm in the country and have a huge yard. The wild geese keep it pretty fertilized.
Yellow and brown grass means I have more time to ride Harley or bicycle oooooorrrrrr run. Still keeping up with health. (don't even bring up a push mower)
If I do get inspired to add something to the yard I use some of the neighbors left over lime and maybe some 10-10-10.
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Natural Deer Poop Lawn Fertilizer
Soil testing is smart, and even free in some places. Try your local ag fertilizer dealer or the area university ag extension office. But lawns need to drink as well. In most soils - particularly clay - a good moist thatch layer is like a drinking fountain for grass. As the thatch layer gradually decomposes from the bottom up, it turns into free compost. That's why I don't bag my clippings, they're essential to propagating a good thatch layer. But even a good thing can be overdone. Too much water will drown grass, so drainage is an equally important consideration
But back to soil testing. First of all, rake the deer droppings before the grass comes out of hibernation so they're evenly distributed. That will avoid "hot spots", and make the spring adjusting of the pH less. Implicated. Take small soil samples from several representative spots in the yard/lawn. My ag extension office provides little boxes just for that purpose. That will permit their agronomists to customize a feed mixture specific to your then-current soil conditions
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Natural Deer Poop Lawn Fertilizer
You might look into running a aerator over your lawn. It's amazing how much difference one of those things make.
After years of mowing, the soil will become pretty packed and hard under your grass. An aerator will provide you with another 10 years of healthy grass.
I personally do not like the spike aerators. Those plug aerators are the way to go. Not too expensive to rent, but maybe you have a friend at the local golf course who wouldn't mind running over to your place for an hour or so.
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Natural Deer Poop Lawn Fertilizer
Aeration is 100% excellent advice, I'm sorry I didn't include it in my own post. Aeration lets the thatch layer "breath", and promotes drainage. Core aeration however, is really intended only to prep the lawn for subsequent application of the chemical recipe you get from the agronomists. Otherwise a simple blade aeration is sufficient.
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