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 07-09-2002, 21:19 Post: 40219

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 Hardy Grasses

I was just hoping that you didn't have to do it all by hand. My concern was with a less loamy type of soil you could only break up the surface (2"Wink yeah right the sub soil might get a little tight for quick seed development.

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 07-09-2002, 23:35 Post: 40223

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 Hardy Grasses

This could be one of those cosmic synergistic things. Maybe we need to plant some Laurel near our Hardy grasses.

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 07-09-2002, 23:45 Post: 40224

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 Hardy Grasses

Gary. I am the husband to the same wife for 29 years. She is an enthusiastic supporter of our tractor and my decisions to hire out some jobs. That is because I bought her a pair of work gloves and a rake. Both are no longer new looking, so she knows exactly where the rubber and the road intersect. I also had to get some liniment, maybe that turned the tables.

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 07-10-2002, 17:34 Post: 40254
Gary D

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 Hardy Grasses

OK, here's the breakdown of the Lakeview mix seed I have been using:

57% Perenial Rye
23% Annual Rye
12% Kentucky Blue
5% Creeping Red Fescue

of course there is the always interesting 2% "inert matter", whatever that is!

Thanks for all the thoughts, I'm enjoying reading them!
Gary D

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 07-10-2002, 19:49 Post: 40255

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 Hardy Grasses

That is not a bad mixture depending on what you are looking for. Typically any mixture with annual ryegrass in it is a lower priced mix. Not saying cheap just lower. Annual ryegrass has two functions. 1 Quick temporary cover, see it will die off over winter. 2 It takes up space in the soil to nurse other grasses along in conditions were the soil might become hard. When it expires over the winter the following spring the other grasses should take over it's space. If you figure that you are removing 23% of plants from the finished product I am a little concerned the percentage of ryegrass to blue and fescue is a little high to be summer stress tollerant in poorer conditions.

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Discussion Boards > Active Subjects > Messages as Posted > Lawn, Turf, and Grass Forum

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