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Grass long or short when running equipment over it
I need to do some foundation work done which will require running a backhoe over the lawn. In general is it better to leave the grass long or cut it short to prevent long term damage?
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Grass long or short when running equipment over it
Josh I do not think lenght is a concern. Moisture in the ground is going to produce some good ruts.
If you have a good roler you can roll them out while soft and fill in the rest of the low spots and reseed.
Grass is very good cover and will take an unbeliavable amount of abuse and return lush in the spring.
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Grass long or short when running equipment over it
We had a contractor demolish a house at our camp and move a construction trailer on to a pad. He used a tracked hi-hoe, and there were tandem axle dump trucks hauling away rubble and bringing in fill for the cellar. Then, a small dozer leveled and compacted it and ran around some on the lawn too. The lawn is really mowed meadow and fairly delicate but a month later you'd never known any equipment had been there. You'd think that tracks would tear up a lawn but they spread the load and don't rut things much. Just a few cleat tracks her and there and those disappeared by spring. An aerator would have made a bigger mess.
The biggest problem with lawn damage from my own tractor hoe work is getting the dumpings off the grass. I've taken to dumping onto vapour barrier so I can just slide everything back into the hole. With the soil and lawn we have once dirt gets into the lawn there's really no way to backfill without tearing up the lawn or leaving a bunch of handwork. Much dirt left on top the lawn will definitely kill it.
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Grass long or short when running equipment over it
Josh As far as the length of the grass goes it is as the others have said. The only thing I can add is don't cut it an then start your project as fresh cut grass is the most vulnerable, if you cut it wait at least two to three days ( or till tip of grass blade turns brown or skabs over) before subjecting it to traffic. The blue poly tarps do make clean up alot easier. Good luck
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