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I need a Billy Goat
Not the kind that stands on your new car hood , but a debris handler (mover). Has anyone had any experence with one or seen one work? I need to speed up leaf an mulch loading an unloading. An how far will they blow or discharge debris? Would appreciate any feedback. Thanks Getrdun
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I need a Billy Goat
Not quite sure of what you need, can we get a little closer on the details as it sounds like you might need several things. Goats are multi purpose you know.
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I need a Billy Goat
I should have been a little clearer. What i actually need is a machine, called an manufactured by Billy Goat that vacums up debris chops or shreds it an them blows it, in my case hopefully in to the front of a 24' enclosed trailer. An out again into a compost pile. I'm spending way to much time loading an unloading debris (grass clippings an leafs) We can get it to the trailer fast enough but have to dump sweeper on a tarp an drag it in the trailer. I seem to be the only one that can back the sweep into the trailer an I really need to be doing other things. Thanks Getrdun www.billygoat.com
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I need a Billy Goat
I have the 13 HP honda I my Billy Goat.
It work great on leaves .
I only load with it I have a dumpping trailer.
Well built machine !
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I need a Billy Goat
Cyclone Rake makes a SMALL product that does what you described. It sounds like what you need is a loader with a grapple. I've tried conveying leaf mulch with a blower before and it's not a time saving practice. The most time-efficent method of hauling away leaves that I've found is to make a big pile then load them into the back of my dump truck with a loader. If it's not much, I just break my back throwng them in the back of the truck. Good luck finding a solution!
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