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 06-08-2004, 00:43 Post: 88006

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 Riding mower with a flip up deck

With two new knee joints I am having trouble cleaning and removing the blades on my current riding mower so I am looking for a residential riding mower with a flip up deck. I know there are some out there like the Walker S model and the Country Clipper Jazee model. I have read good things about the Jazee and it is reasonably priced in the 4 to 5k range but I can not find a dealer in Idaho. The Walker is pretty spendy at over 7k. Does anyone know of any other residential models out there with a flip up deck. Also any one with experience with the Jazee or Walker.
Appreciate any feed back in on this subject.
Dave in Idaho.

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 06-08-2004, 09:58 Post: 88047

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 Riding mower with a flip up deck

Dave, I don't know about homeowner-type units too much.

As for cleaning decks we solved that problem years ago with a pipe buried in a concrete slab outside the shop. It is connected to a water bib and when the decks need cleaning at the end of the day the guys just turn on the water, put the deck over the spray then engage the blades. The water getting swirled around by the blades does a good job at getting the grass out. It was interesting to see a fellow in Farm Show magazine who did similar with a garden hose at his house.

We made a little ramp to run the machine up to get to the blades without much effort. If you have a bit of a slope, a bank or retaining wall it is easy to make a little cantilevered platform to enable you to work underneath the machine which makes life much easier.

Best of luck.

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 06-08-2004, 11:07 Post: 88052

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 Riding mower with a flip up deck

dkheckmanl, these a little on the pricey side but VERY solid built machines with 7 guage steel mowing decks.

Link:   F687 

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 12-27-2004, 09:37 Post: 103024

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 Riding mower with a flip up deck


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 12-27-2004, 09:39 Post: 103025

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 Riding mower with a flip up deck


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 12-27-2004, 09:55 Post: 103026

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 Riding mower with a flip up deck

I got my wife a new riding mower.
It's non polluting and fuel efficient.

I'm trying to post a picture I have in an e-mail here.

As you can see I'm not having any luck!

What am I doing wrong?

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