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I have a 3 acre property that i am thrying to landscape. the land was used as a hay field until 1950. It was then bought by a mining company and left for dead. In the past 50 years spruce, tamarack, poplar, pine and willow trees have sprouted up everywhere. I have now brushed the small willow bushes and left all the desirable trees. My question is this:what is my next step? I want nice grass but I don't want to till the whole property. Can anyone recommend a way of killing the wilows? I brush them and they come right back. I've been pulling them out but there are just too many and their roots are unbelievable.
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Cut them down with a saw or clippers and then keep the cutting it with a rough cut mower... grass will start to come in if there is light.
Any pictures of the land??
Is it all forest right now??
I'm doing something similar with my place, cutting down the undesirables and mowing around and getting grass to come in.
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You have two basic options;
1) Rip them out with something like a Brush Brute on the FEL in place of the bucket, or,
2) Keep cutting them and wait as has already been suggested.
Either method will probably take just as many working hours, the first is 'all at once' hours, the other might be spread over MANY years.
BTW, are you right downtown Emo by the river, or are you out in the 'suburbs' up towards Government Landing?
Best of luck.
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thanks for the suggestions guys, its encouraging to hear that eventually these suckers will die.
bmlekki- no its not all forest. thats actually what I love about it. aside from the ugly swamp willows it is very park like. I've been mowing the majority of it with a finishing mower the whole time. The trees are spaced very nicely, and are a great mix of species.
murf- I'm not a "premium" member so I didn't catch the end of your post. Do you know Emo? I'm actually on 670 acres but am only mowing 3. I live 2 miles out of the rocking metropolis of 1200people.
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I do know Emo, a friend of mine has a hunt camp at the north end of Rainy Lake that I fly up to. We go to Government Landing and then down into Emo for supplies & stuff.
Best of luck.
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cool. I run the Dodge store in town if you're ever bored and its raining and want to shoot the breeze.
BTW checked out your pictures, NICE spread. I'm jealous.
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