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 01-11-2012, 12:47 Post: 182003

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 003 311cdi Starting problems

Vehicle runs fine for several days then after stopping for a short time, the engine turns over, fires and immediately cuts out. It always seems to turn over very well and fires for a short time on every second or third attempt but will not continue to run.

This has happened a few times now and I have had to recover the vehicle only to find that a few hours later it starts perfectly.

The only other symptom is that occasionally, on first start in the morning, revs seem limited to about 3000rpm, but then clear for no apparent reason. Our local Mercedes repairer has tried computer diagnosing, but no faults show up and because of the very intermittent nature of the problem, up to now no fix has been discovered.

Recently, I have had a new Starter Motor, Ignition Switch and one Injector changed.


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 01-11-2012, 15:06 Post: 182022

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 003 311cdi Starting problems

It's the 'smart key', it's not recognized by the car.

Do you get a 'start error' or some message like that in the odometer window when it happens?

Best of luck.

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