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 10-04-2011, 09:54 Post: 180682

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 Prime Time TV Language and Movie Ratings

Watching the new shows on TV it appears that the writers have gotten new guidelines so they now pepper conversations with wierd phrases with Vagina, masturbation and Penis as the shock comedy of 2011.

Referring to the fact that his friend has lived with a girl for a long time, the character says "thats like living with the same vagina for three years!" Ha ha ha!

No one I know talks like that! I don't know anyone who wants to talk like that! Its not funny to me.

We recently saw an Owen Wilson film "Hall Pass" that my teens picked out. It had an R rating and included a 60 second zoom in close up of a mans rather large genitals. In my opinion Hall Pass should have been listed as X or Porn. That was the end of watching that film. While Wilson and Adam Sandler can be funny, they and many other comics become so self indulgent that they lower themselves to gross out comedy with all sorts of stuff I don't want to see.

This abnormal use of language, as if it is everday, and these types of movies just seem to reduce human dignity and demean our society.

I guess I am just old fashioned So Sad

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 10-04-2011, 16:57 Post: 180686

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 Prime Time TV Language and Movie Ratings

Every aspect of every TV program (or movie or magazine etc.) is carefully tailored to attract a specific demographic. Most movie-goers are young unmarrieds, and they tend to enjoy hearing "forbidden" words.

An ad agency will choose one program on which to air ads for its diaper client, different ones for its shampoo customer and its wrinkle-cream client.

Also, regulations are more permissive. Not long ago saying "vajayjay" on television was considered marginal. And the only recognition of the existence of genitals was daddy getting hit in the crotch on funny home video programs. Now, medical terms are common and next might be the C-word.

Whatever sells, whatever's allowed.

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 10-04-2011, 19:35 Post: 180687

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 Prime Time TV Language and Movie Ratings

Dennis I am with you. this is one reason we watch very little of the so called networks any more. The best way to fight back is to let those advertise on those shows know you are watching how they support such trash and will not do business with them due to that support. It really gets their attention.

You are the tech person, any good option with tv over internet?

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 10-05-2011, 01:02 Post: 180700

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 Prime Time TV Language and Movie Ratings

I haven't been to a movie theater since "Grumpy Old Men" came out, so it's been a while but just seeing the ad's for upcoming movies makes me not want to see them. Sex,and violence seem to have to be included or they don't sell. We had Direct TV installed about a year ago, with it came three months of free movie chanels that are normally their "Premium" channels that cost an extra charge, I don't remrmber how much per month. We watched the first few minutes of several and changed the channel, they were laden with every kind of locker room language allowed.

Daytime sitcoms and soap operas are even worse, I have to wonder about the morals of whatever or who ever supposedly screens this stuff to make sure it is fit for vieving.

When the movie "Hoffa" came to TV I wanted to see it thinking it may have some historic signifagance, instead it was only a lesson in how to cuss, again just more garbage.

From the time kids are old enough to be proped up in front of a TV set the most powerfull industry we have takes over. The advertising industry begins their hold on the kids soon as they are able to recognize anything.

This "Control Industry" I'll call it never lets go of a person from the cradle to the grave. We need to think for ourselves and teach our kids to do the same rather than be puppets of the "Entertainment" industry.

There is some good stuff on the TV as with the internet, both can be great learning tools but more and more they are just an avenue for more and more garbage we can live without.

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 10-05-2011, 10:03 Post: 180703

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 Prime Time TV Language and Movie Ratings

Clearly there are multiple sides to this issue. For the networks they are faced with the fact that many people have DVR's now and don't watch commercials, so Ad revenue is declining. Then there are all the Satelite and Cable channels and the internet with content with no FCC guidelines.

So for the national networks I can understand that as soon as it is OK to do something different they opt to try to create draw from Sat and Cable. So the networks tell the writers to get busy with their new vocabulary.

If you don't have kids its probably a non starter, but for families the forced use of the new vocab in sitcoms and other content brings crude language into content that could be enjoyable without it.

Now on the other hand my 15 year old son listens to rap music that leaves no stone unturned in gutter vocab. So from that perspective the use of medical terms for sexual body parts and slang terminology is really nothing.....

When I was a kid the mere use of crude language meant that someone was angry. Now you have to look at the demeanor of the speaker and determine if what has been said to you is meant in an affable or hostile way. That is an art I have seen some people be very good at, aka Chris Rock etc.... But for me if I swear it never gets any laughs, may have to practice my delivery in front of a mirror.....Laughing out loud


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 10-06-2011, 17:27 Post: 180721

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 Prime Time TV Language and Movie Ratings

It matters not the age; it is just unfit. I agree with an old PE teacher; just proves you have a very limited vocabulary.

We humans are like sponges we are what we absorb. If we listen to trash the best we can do it slips out of our mouths.

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