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Almost Got The Mule
Almost got my wife talked into a Mule!! I am looking at a 610 4x4, can't justify any more than that since this would be strictly a toy. My logic with the wife is that she could drive around the neighborhood to see her friends, put her glass of beer in the cupholder and start some parties, etc.
Any help would be appreciated with other lines I could use with my wife. Any comments also on even less expensive alternatives since this may not fly. It would be useful for picking up some firewood, distributing a few chips, etc. We are not getting any younger and this is our last chance to do something stupid
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Almost Got The Mule
Tell her you feel the love!! Romantic drives thru the hood and who knows maybe even do the nasty under the stars
(Just like the old days)
If she buys that one tell her to call my wife and let her in on a hot new secret to rekindleing an old flame!
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Almost Got The Mule
Across my back fence is a tract of BLM public land that is roughly 27 miles east and west by 30 miles north and south.
Before I bought the RTV I asked her this: If we lived on the shore of a lake that big and we didn't have a boat would that be stupid?
Hard to argue against that.
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Almost Got The Mule
How about the practical side of things like carrying mulch, flowers, tools, etc...maybe you could even say, "Honey, I see you working so hard and it simply breaks my heart. You have taken care of me for all these years and now's my chance to take care of you! Take this and enjoy it. You my dear, are worth every penny." If that doesn't work, ask if you could barrow one from the dealer for the week that she is doing springtime clean-up and landscaping...then it's guarenteed.
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Almost Got The Mule
The front of my place is waterfront on a lake 60 miles long!
The back has 3 acres and a lot of rural roads surrounding them!!
I too like the cup holders and Both myself and my G/F enjoy it (RTV900) a lot!! Stupid? Maybe!!
We use it for damn near everything, even if we don't have too!!
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