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Are you still in love with your Apple Products
Apple seems to be losing some of its steam...
My family survey indicates that my kids (18 and 20) once loved their ipods , ipod touch, itunes. Now they never use them, do not use itunes either. No longer love Apple.
Admittedly, my influence has been anti Apple and pro Android. So we all have Android Samsung Smartphones.
So are have you lost your love for Apple or do you still find them compelling?
Apple just bought back $14 Billion of their own stock to help keep share prices up, and maybe because they thought the timing right because they thought the market oversold based on lower growth in last quarter...
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Are you still in love with your Apple Products
I've never bought an apple product. My wife was given an iPad by her sister during a visit and never used it once she left.
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Are you still in love with your Apple Products
Still like my iPhone, but am having buyers remorse about replacing my laptop with an iPad. I miss the USB ports, and the fact that there are not enough apps to replace some of the critical Windows-only software I gave up when the laptop went away.
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Are you still in love with your Apple Products
I guess I'm the dissenting opinion in this court of public opinion.
I'd be lost without my iPhone, iPad and iTouch. I couldn't tell the weather, navigate, fly a plane, drive my car, truck or motorhome, or even communicate other than face-to-face.
Heck, it even helps me be a better cook!
I've tried Android devices, maybe they just have a longer learning curve. IMHO there's nothing more intuitive than an iOS device.
Best of luck.
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Are you still in love with your Apple Products
The vast majority of mobile users of Tractorpoint.com are iPhone by a margin of 2 to 1 Android phone. So a very loyal and very active customer base.
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Are you still in love with your Apple Products
My vote is for android. I just like open source vs proprietary. Eventually proprietary sucks all the money out of you.
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