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 02-20-2014, 09:14 Post: 189062

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 WhatsApp 19 Billion How can that be

Facebook is acquiring start up Whatsapp for $19 Billion.

The startup has only been in existence 5 years and has only 55 employees.

This reminds me of the over valuations prior to the plunge of 2000. I was one of those dreamers leaving my job at a blue chip and working for silicone valley startup of only 40 employees. My story did not end like Whatsapp So Sad

Does this bizaare number for tiny company point to the fact that Zuckerberg has finally let all the gold in his pockets warp hos sense of reality. Furthermore how can any stockholdler of Facebook look at this and not say with all the Billions of dollars of money internal to Facebook they cannot even create one app for messaging ? Sad

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 02-21-2014, 08:31 Post: 189094

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 WhatsApp 19 Billion How can that be

Dennis I admit not a big fan of Facebook, to me see more harm than good with the stuff so many post in telling all they do.

But how does "whatsapp" make life better than normal texting? I read their web page and for me I see no benefit in their app. Able for more than my needs I think do all that now with smart phone texting.

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 02-21-2014, 10:00 Post: 189097

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 WhatsApp 19 Billion How can that be

The movement in the messaging area is to get away from SMS texting and use enhanced products like Google Hangouts. It is an attempt to get a multiplier effect on grouping people to one thing ala messaging, instagram, facebook,mail, etc.

Whatsapp has 450 million users so its the membership they bought. Only 55 people in the company Smile Nice for them..

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