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How about them Saints
Brees and them Saints going to super bowl???
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How about them Saints
Don't know about that but that was the most fun game to watch I have seen in a long time. Now if your were a New England fan maybe not but the way the Saints played was beautiful.
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How about them Saints
I know less than half of nuthin about football, so if I'm at somebodys else's house and they are cheering for whatever team I join in, that way the beer keeps cummin.
I always wondered why they don't give all the players a ball, that way they wouldn't have to fight over just one.
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How about them Saints
I wonder why we don't get rid of high priced pro sports teams and form prison leagues instead. I can see it now, the Angola State Bangers vs. Folson Prison Rapists. Costs would be lower, profits could fund the prisons and the players wouldn't change.
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How about them Saints
I know less than half of nuthin about football......
You got me by at least double there Frank.
Mind you, it's not nearly as boring as watching basketball.
Best of luck.
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How about them Saints
Ken, there are some teams that are made up of those players already!
Murf, totally agree with the deal on basketball.
But my oldest daughter got me a few years back as she watch a car (NASCAR) race and at the end she said: "I don't understand it, they ended up where they began." Never watch another race, only bits.
Just wish policitians were as good for us, when their term was over we ended up where we began and not worse off.
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How about them Saints
Kenny me thinks you gots some nort'ern roots there buddy----why, a redneck that don't like or UNDERSTAND NASCAR? Some rednecks, so I hear have been shot for much less!
Back to the Saints, when I was der on da Coast in 'sippi, I always found it amusing that 'sippians were such loyal fans (talk about "segregration"!!!----"we're betta than you" stuff) . That was until I was made aware 'sippi didn't have their own team.
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