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Calloway Range Finder Perfect Golf Game
I have not played golf in a long while.... some would say for good reason .
I often thought if the game could be made more technical I might do better. Like instead of clubs you used a ball launcher that could be set for range. Well thankfully we are one step closer with the "Calloway Range Finder"
Great idea, but unless these things are used more frequently than I think it might be a bit embarassing to pull one of these babies out on the course..
You will have to decide whether your pride or prowess wins the day!
Please use the link below to support the TP site I won't tell any one that you bought one..
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Calloway Range Finder Perfect Golf Game
Although I don't play golf, I certainly spend more than my fair share of time on golf courses.
One of the biggest 'tools' I see being used today for improving one's golf game is a smart phone.
There's several programs out there for them that combine existing portions of the phone, primarily the GPS to calculate precisely where you are on the course, it has a detailed map of the course embedded in it, so it's an easy calc to say how far to the pin and even what club you should use.
Some of them even track your average performance and things like the weather and adjust their recommendations to you based on that.
It even keeps score for you, without 'forgetting' any strokes. 
Best of luck.
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Calloway Range Finder Perfect Golf Game
That's a great point, I have a GPS based app on my android phone that shows on a map where I have ridden my bike, speed, averages, and calories burnt etc.. Even pauses if I stop and restarts as soon as I move.
Only issue I have is that any use of the GPS like this tends to run the battery down quickly as it is on constantly on, and I don't have a generator on my bike yet 
But for the golf thing it would probably be fine as you could turn it on when needed, and you could act like you are just using the phone for a none golf purpose ....
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Calloway Range Finder Perfect Golf Game
.....Only issue I have is that any use of the GPS like this tends to run the battery down quickly as it is on constantly on,and I don't have a generator on my bike yet
Remember the lights that had the little generator driven by the wheel? Am I working on a problem you are not worried about?
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Calloway Range Finder Perfect Golf Game
You caught me as being old on that one Yup when I was a kid I had a friction based generator light on my bike. It really slowed the bike down and of course no light if you stopped pedaling. They have great LED lights now that last and last.
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Calloway Range Finder Perfect Golf Game
Sometime in the mid 1970's is the last time I embarrased myself and whom ever invited me to play along in a game of golf. I think the Mrs. gave my clubs to Goodwill.
I never had the little generator on my bike but I did use up the extra Jokers and whatever other cards in a deck you never used along with a spring type clothes pin for a "Motor" sound. Those of you old enough to have did this will remember how it was done.
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