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New Legacy Today
She is up to 31 mpg on her daily commute now.
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New Legacy Today
Thanks. If Impreza Outbacks are hard to find we're not in a big hurry (we've decided to wait until our taxes are done anyway). In the mean time a test drive is in order.
Hi Ken,
Are you still in the car market? Never thought I'd say it but hybrids are looking a little bit better 
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New Legacy Today
Never thought I'd say it but hybrids are looking a little bit better
I had to fill up the 'car' this morning, 80 liters (21 US gal.) at $1.35 / liter (US$5.10 / gallon) for premium, that will take me about 375 miles, or nearly 18 mpg.
After paying for the fill-up the little lady commented about how I should get something a little easier on fuel.
Pulling back onto the highway a car ran up the back of us pretty quickly, even though the speed limit is 50mph, 60-65 is the usual speed, a little pressure on the gas pedal made the image in the rear-view get very small, very fast.
I don't care how old I get, I doubt the novelty of 0-60 in a little over 6 seconds will wear off.... 
Best of luck.
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New Legacy Today
Yep. My wife was laid off at Intel, and we got nailed big time on taxes, so we put the new car on hold for a bit. But it looks like she may land a new job today so we'll be back in the market. Got to get the Highlander fixed up and sold first. I'd like to see if we can rent an Impreza for a week or so to see if she likes it. If not we'll look at the Legacy.
I have a philosophical aversion to hybrids so wouldn't buy one of those. A small diesel, however, isn't out of the question.
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New Legacy Today
My brother in law has a Honda hybrid that does not achieve the mileage our Subaru does. And he does not have all wheel drive.
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New Legacy Today
We finally took a test drive in an 08 Impreza Outback. It sure feels like very high quality and quite substantial for a small car. The wife really liked it so we'll probably close the deal next weekend. The only complaints I had were that the low profile tires really don't fit the "outback" image and the auto transmission is only a 4-speed (but it's manual mode is pretty cool)
The Toyota dealer loaned us a new Corolla while the Highlander is being repaired. It's not a bad small car but compared to the Impreza it feels quite a bit cheaper. Less features, more noise, doesn't handle as well, a lot cheaper interior. It's not a direct comparison since it's $5k cheaper and not AWD but the Impreza didn't have any of the cheap feel to it.
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