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Bought a new T100 4WD in '94. Now it has 109,000 miles and the speedometer cable is starting to make noise. Couldn't find a way to pull the cable out and lubricate it. Is it necessary to replace the whole unit?
By the way, I'm somewhat disappointed in the reliability of the truck. I had to replace the front shocks a couple of months ago. Fortunately, everything else still works ok.
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Now that it is starting to get broke in you should see your gas mileage improve. And if you didn't live at the end of one of those gosh darn washboard roads you wouldn't have to spend so much money on shocks.
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reb, I take it you're kidding about the fact that you had to replace the shocks. But my wife's '91 4Runner's speedometer cable has been making noise for quite some time. We just have gotten used to it or turn the radio up. Toyotas are great, we will definitely buy another one.
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If its the same or similar part to the one in the Tacoma, I was told it can't be lubed - the whole unit has to be replaced. Mine's noisy in cold weather but ok during summer. JeffB
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Mark, you are probably right. The 23 mile, gravel, forest service road (it gets graded twice a year, need it or not) access to the town where I live probably has something to do with the shock absorber problem. That, and the desert and forest jeep trails here in Arizona.
Stephen and Jeff, thanks for the input. I suspected the cable was unserviceable. I can tolerate the noise. My only concern is that the cable might start sticking and upset the engine control computer operation.
This is my third Toyota. The next vehicle will be a Toyota, too.
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I just upgraded to a T-100 from a 89 Toyota PU. The 89 had speedo cable noise when I bought it w/ 50k on it. I figured I would have to replace it shortly after I bought it. Well its got 300k and it still works fine. Noisy in the cold for 5 min but works.
I hope the T100 gives me the the service I got out of the old one.
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JohnL, What type of oil did you use in your 89? How often did you change it?
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Believe it or not I used what ever was on sale at Walmart and changed it much less than I probably should have, About every 7-9k. Im not a believer in the 3k oil change. I do my own mechanic work and only fix it when its broke,Maintanance is not one of my strong points...Thats why I love the Toyota.
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