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V6 Tundra
I looked at the Toyota website the other day and it appears the Tundra is being offered with a V6 and 5-speed transmission. I think the engine is the 3.4 liter V6 they have offered since '95. Is this a reasonable engine for that size truck? The manual transmission suits my tastes, but I don't really want the anemic performance of my '93 T100 with the 3.0 liter engine and automatic.
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V6 Tundra
The Tundra standard cab weighs 5000 pounds with a full tank of gas and an XXL person at the wheel. I believe the extra cab weighs more.
The V6 makes 190 HP and my calculator says that is 26.3 pounds per horsepower.
That is just about the same as the T100 (4000lb/150hp=26.6), I would say the performance would be identical.
I have a Tundra, std. cab, V8, auto, 4wd and couldn't be happier. It is the first truck I have ever owned with either a V8 or an automatic transmission.
I traded in a Tacoma, 150hp/5speed and the performance difference is startling. Even at 4800 feet above sea level, my Tundra will accelerate up hills with a 7000 pound load. And it still gets 18 mpg around town where my Tacoma got 19 or 20.
Take a test drive and see what you think. The numbers say if your want better performance than your T100 you will have to get the 32 valve V8 and it only comes with an automatic tranny.
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V6 Tundra
I have a Tundra, std. cab, V8, auto, 4wd and couldn't be happier. It is the first truck I have ever owned with either a V8 or an automatic transmission.
The only truck I ever owned with a V8 and automatic was a Ford 3/4 ton camper special.
I bought it new in 1971. It was a really nice trouble free truck.
I've had nothing but 4 Cyl. automatic import trucks since 1989.
I have 4 of them now. Two of them are the 2 I bought new in 1989.
I also have a 1992 Toyota standard cab long bed Toyota I bought 5 or six years ago. It's still like new. Only has about 27000 mils on it.
My every day toy is a 1986 Dodge D50 . I just rebuilt the motor on it last summer and done some other work to it so now it's in a1 mechanical shape with a very good body for it's age. 10300 isn't much mileage for an 18 year old truck.
After 15 years of driving nothing but automatic imports it would be hard to get me to go to a bigger truck and no way will I give up the automatic.
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