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Western or Meyer SnowPlow for Toyota Tundra
I have a 2000 Toytota Tundra V8 and I think it is a great truck.
The only thing I was a little surprised about was that in 2000 it did not seem to have any snowplow blades available for it.
I just looked at the Western Snowplow site and they now have a "Personal" plow they call the Suburbanite 7'4" blade. This unit is targeted at SUV's and light pickup trucks.
Just wondering if anyone has any experience with these, can you damage the trans or have frame issues because of the lighter frame / trans on these lighter trucks? The Toyota Tundra rides great but it is not Ford F350, the most common plow Truck around here.
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Western or Meyer SnowPlow for Toyota Tundra
Dennis, as with most things mechanical, it's not so much what you bolt on that can cause problems, it's most commonly the 'loose nut behind the wheel' that causes the damage.
I have friends who have plowed COMMERCIALLY with Suzuki's for years with no problems. Likewise I have seen 1 tons destroyed in a single season of plowing. My next door neighbour plows commercially with a F-150 4x4 with base level suspension and no special 'prep. packages', and has done so since 1995 when he bought the truck brand new for such purpose.
Best of luck.
I would say a responsible operator would have no problem plowing for personal use with one.
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Western or Meyer SnowPlow for Toyota Tundra
Dennis, there is one unarguable Tundra fact: it has a heck of a heavy duty frame.
That said, I used a Winter Wolf plow for several years on Pre-Tacoma (93)4x4 pick-up with excellent results. I only plowed two properties but we are talking Anchorage here....
I think you will be amazed at how well your truck will do with a light weight plow.
Lowe's has an improved model Winter Wolf to fit your truck for under $1000
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