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Antifreeze Types
I sometimes use the water out of my dehumidifier for mixing with my antifreeze is that good or bad? Other times I use my tap water softened with a water softner.
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Antifreeze Types
This web site link will answer most of your questions. Most manufactures use different coolants that shouldn't be mixed. Pink, red, and orange are all different. I hope this helps.
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Antifreeze Types
Jeff r,
I always thought dehumidifier water was the same as distilled, not sure, butI used to use it for batteries and coolant mixing. I haven't had one for a long time now though.
Here is another article in the link below which helps a little more for any Toyota owners. Unless I can find what is called "Japanese Conventional" which is non silicate high phosphate coolant, I guess I am off to Toyota.
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Antifreeze Types
Well I stand corrected and afirmed. There seems to be a reason not to use the american extended life in the car. I I can not see any reason to not use the silicates. The statement that is is essentually sand is not exactly correct the phosphates are not exactly fertilizers are they. I have run high performance gear pumps for years with high concentrations of silicates yes there is wear but you could have run soapy water and had the same wear. Dilute solutions in a non clearance pump sorry I have better things to worry about.
It does recommend using distilled water. The water from your humidifier is like distilled if the coil does not have alot of organics growing on it.
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