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 05-12-2004, 20:28 Post: 85900

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 hey kwschumm

got to thinking about this e hydro. what is the signal going to the xh valve?4-20ma or 0-10vdc? by add a valve to the steering in parrall to the current steering valve and an allen bradly joystick this thing could be made to fly by wire. could also add two brake levers on left side (hydrolic of course)and two slaves (opps i mean followers to be politically correct) to linkage to make them eather hand or foot operated. it could very realistically be a hand operated tractor. no one has built one in years. could be a hole new market. what you think?

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 05-12-2004, 23:36 Post: 85918

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 hey kwschumm

Ya know, that sounds like it would be quite possible. I have the technical manual and schematics for the eHydro, but haven't read it. Sounds like some light bathroom reading Smile Awhile back Art and I were debating pedal location preferences, and we figured out that with electronic pedals and a modular platform you could have a soft, user configurable pedal arrangement. That sounds like another good idea to me. The problem with all these good ideas is finding if there's enough of a market for 'em, and overcoming market resistance to electronics in tractors. I know Mark would never buy one Laughing out loud

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 05-13-2004, 06:36 Post: 85921
Art White

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 hey kwschumm

Ken from the demands of the customers if they work they are great for about 50% of them. If they have had one that doesn't, well thats a whole new game to build strippers without the electronics. We have had them now going back twenty years and of coarse now if the computer is good it's the wiring harness getting the message out that's bad! There is only about ten more years before new inspections on farm tractors for EPA will be common place and like the bigger farm tractors and trucks they run with electronic pumps to clean the engines and yet give max power. This much like in Europe will bring on the replacement of tractors sooner with our used going to the third world countries instead of the other way around.

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 05-13-2004, 08:17 Post: 85930

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 hey kwschumm

The farmers working my property have several Deeres equipped with GPS receiver dishes for about $5,500.00 each. It guides them in the fields telling them where to drive. (for like spraying, etc., a field can be programmed and is accurate within a foot or so) Maybe in the next few years we won't even get anymore seat time, it may go all automatically. Wouldn't that ruin all the fun.

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 05-13-2004, 08:53 Post: 85933

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 hey kwschumm

It's not just tractors, Ken. I will not buy a rifle without iron sights and I resist putting scopes on them. Someday I may have to give in.

I wouldn't buy a car in the seventies with power windows because they were the first thing to break, especially in cold weather.

Now you can't find a car with manual windows, but in the interim the technology has matured to the point where the device is more reliable than that old fashion crank.

So it will be with tractors someday....

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 05-13-2004, 11:44 Post: 85949

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 hey kwschumm

Isn't it strange how this goes in circles, a while back Art & I had a similar conversation.

In the interim, I was enlisted to help out a neighbours uncle who suffered a debilitating stroke. I am in the process of converting a commercial front deck mower, a Ferris Pro-Cut 20 3 wheeler, into a joystick controlled machine for him, it has been relatively easy so far and is working surprisingly well. It's a real hoot to play with also.

Best of luck.

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 05-13-2004, 13:15 Post: 85956

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 hey kwschumm

Field work isone place that would benefit from automatic control. They can monitor hundreds of parameters off a NASCAR race car. The number of things to monitor in a field tractor would be relatively few: position, speed, RPM, hydro actuation, force applied to the implement to name a few. Then the feedback can be used to change direction or whatever.

Of course this is an oversimplification but it's possible. The point is, any correction a farmer makes in a pass down the field can probably be sensed and corrected faster and more precisely than a human can. This would leave the farmer time to do things that require a human touch.

In a way I do this type of thing for a living, except we monitor real-time MRI images and make corrections to the way we acquire them based on feedback from the image data we're getting. At times we have to reconstruct and search through 6Mbytes of data and make corrections every 500 milliseconds so this requires parallel array processors and lots of memory. Controlling a tractor might be simpler. You would have relatively few parameters to search and corrections could be make every few milliseconds.

Yes it's different but the idea is the same.

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